Testimonial Our four Early Stage Researchers in the NeoGel project got an insight into EU and other funding opportunities and benefited from accelopment`s many years of experience in European and other grants.
Prof. Andreas Heise
POLINA Project Coordinator, NeoGel Project Coordinator,
REFINE Project Coordinator, NanoCarb Project Partner
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RCSI, Ireland

EU Proposal Writing Workshops

We take your grant writing skills further.

We like to share our knowledge and support researchers, scientists and administrators through proposal writing workshops. With tips from our  proposal writing team, examples and interactive exercises, we help you enhance your grant writing skills, so the next proposal you write will be your best one. Discover our latest training offers, available in-house or online, with specific content and advice customisable to fit your needs.

Find the right solution for you by reading through the detailed descriptions below.

Workshops for researchers, scientists and administrators

Our training offers targeted to researchers, scientists and administrators interested in EU research and innovation projects (Horizon Europe) as well as in Doctoral Networks (former ITNs),  part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie action (MSCA), can be combined with grant advice and our popular one-to-one sessions to provide individual and project specific advice.



Key facts

Your benefits

Contact our expert

Benefit from our experience and learn from us.

Jeanette Müller

Horizon Europe proposal writing

Hands-on in-house or online training to learn how to write a competitive proposal for Horizon Europe funding opportunities.

Target audience

Researchers or companies planning to apply for a Horizon Europe call.


Your benefits


Jeanette Müller, Johannes Ripperger

MSCA Doctoral Networks (former ITNs) proposal writing

Hands-on in-house or online training on Doctoral Networks preparation and proposal writing.

Target audience

Researchers planning a Doctoral Network under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action.


Your benefits


Jacqueline Strehler, Jeanette Müller

Funding Advice

The first step to a successful project is to identify the most appropriate funding programme for your idea. From Horizon Europe, to EUREKA and European Partnerships, we can help you.



A gender lens for EU research on International Women’s Day 2022

Today, we celebrate the 111th International Women’s Day and share some of the latest data on gender (in)equality in research, while linking to relevant Horizon Europe requirements and inviting you to self-explore your implicit biases.



My passion is to work with highly skilled scientists and innovative thinkers from industry and academia to build solutions for a sustainable future.

Dr. Jeanette Müller