accelopment supports researchers and technology-oriented companies in their participation in publicly funded research and innovation projects. We are specialised in European funding programmes for innovation subsidies, especially the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union. Our services stretch from grant advice, proposal writing, grant preparation with the European Commission to project management and project communications. Additionally, we actively participate as a partner for project management and dissemination in many EU funded projects.
For more information please contact us:
accelopment Schweiz AG is located in Zurich, Switzerland and has long-standing experience in European researchand innovation programmes. We are looking for enthusiastic talents to complement our team.
accelopment Deutschland GmbH is based in Heidelberg, Germany, and is ready to grow. We are searching for dedicated and dynamic professionals to realise the full potential of EU-funded innovative research projects.
Sie sind neugierig und interessieren sich für wissenschaftliche Themen in den unterschiedlichsten Branchen, insbesondere für unsere Schwerpunktthemen Gesundheit und den Green Deal? Sie finden es spannend, als Sparringpartner/in europäische Proposals und Projekte über mehrere Disziplinen und Kulturen hinweg
zu betreuen? Dann könnten Sie zu uns passen.
min. 40%
Are you curious and interested in scientific topics across a wide range of disciplines and industries? Do you find it exciting to work in a team supporting European research projects and innovative companies that are shaping our future? Then you could be a good fit to support our project management and communication team.