Testimonial Turning a good idea into a project with tangible results required guidance.
Prof. Jonathan Rushton
NEAT Project Coordinator, RISKSUR & DECIDE Project Partner
Royal Veterinary College, United Kingdom
Now at University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

<< Projects


Networking to enhance the use of economics in animal health education, research and policy making in Europe and beyond

A growing realization and hence demand for the application of economics in animal health decision making exists, but economic tools and concepts on incentives around decision making are rarely well taught to animal health professionals. NEAT creates an academic network that focuses on strategic reflections, needs analyses, development, and application of educational material and networking.

The NEAT consortium aims to strengthen and enhance the use of economics in animal health in higher education and professional environments throughout Europe.
All 60 partners have to accomplish a number of tasks. NEAT conducts a review and a survey to map the educational material available, assesses future needs in collaboration with end-users and enhances and disseminates educational material for undergraduate, postgraduate and professional development students and teachers.
The project promotes the best use of economics by animal health professionals across Europe and beyond. The challenge is to create a wider cadre of people to teach economics and to create educational materials, which are widely available at all levels of the livestock sector and animal health professionals.

The Royal Veterinary College, UK


Funded Project

AreaLife Sciences
Duration01.09.2017 - 31.05.2022
Budget3.59 million euro

Project Management

The management of your EU project requires specific skills. From submitting deliverables on the EC portal to coordinating reporting for the entire consortium, an efficient implementation of your project is work. We can support you in this task, either as a project partner (beneficiary), a service provider or a subcontractor.



I am passionate about collaborating with researchers and transforming their ideas into tangible solutions. Their gratefulness is what drives me to do an outstanding job.

Dr. Johannes Ripperger
Research & Innovation Manager