Testimonial accelopment helps to bring your ideas onto paper in a way that convinces reviewers your plan is excellent and worth funding. We benefit from their proficiency in proposal writing and up-to-date knowledge of EC rules.
Prof. Reza Ghabcheloo
MORE Project Coordinator
Tampere University, Finland

<< Projects


Educating Europe`s Future Engineers in Next Generation Heavy Duty Mobile Machinery: Artificial Intelligence driven Robotisation, Energy Efficiency and Process Optimisation

Europe’s construction, logistics and agriculture sectors face multiple challenges related to increasing productivity and boosting efficiency. In response, the EU-funded MORE project has brought together five heavy-duty mobile (HDM) equipment companies (J. Deere, Liebherr, Bosch Rexroth, HIAB, Volvo CE) and four highly specialised academic groups. As the first-ever European Industrial Doctorate (EID) research and training programme, it will address this need and fill the gap in related research and training. The project will equip eight early-stage researchers with a set of research skills including robotics, machine learning, energy systems, as well as transferable skills such as entrepreneurship and career management. It will deliver innovative solutions resulting from digitalisation and artificial intelligence.

The ever-increasing demand for material and food, stricter emissions regulations, and continuous globalisation has put Europe’s construction, logistics, and agriculture sectors under immense pressure. Dramatic improvements in their productivity and efficiency are the only answer to these global challenges. Heavy-duty mobile (HDM) machinery are crucial workhorses in these sectors. Europe`s major HDM equipment companies (J. Deere, Liebherr, Bosch Rexroth, HIAB, Volvo CE) have joined forces with four highly specialised academic groups to deliver MORE, a timely project in response to these urgent needs.

MORE will address these challenges by delivering innovative solutions driven by digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in three areas: 1) Processes: world modelling by combining machine-earth interaction with vision, and optimising material flow in construction sites, 2) Machines: creating efficient power-train solutions for heavy-duty booms and 3) Control: object classification and world modelling to support long-term autonomy; obstacle avoidance in adverse conditions; innovative solutions on transfer-learning for earthmoving and boom control to reduce operational and development costs, in different application areas.

Europe’s HDM machine industry needs to invest heavily in digitalization, ‘green’ and innovative technologies, and address the serious labour shortage. There is thus a rapidly growing demand for experts in HDM machinery having the big picture of trends in AI, robotics, and energy systems as well as an understanding of the challenges and opportunities.

MORE is an innovative European Industrial Doctorate (EID) research and training programme, the first of its kind, that will address this need and fill the gap in related research and training. Eight early-stage researchers will be equipped with a set of research skills including robotics, machine learning, energy systems, as well as transferable skills such as entrepreneurship and career management.

This project contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 7, 9 and 15.

Tampere University, FI


Funded Project

Duration01.09.2013 - 30.11.2016
Budget4.5 million euro

Proposal Writing

We can support you in writing your next proposal. We are experts in proposal writing, managing the writing process with efficient time-keeping tasks and dealing with the European Commission online tools.



MORE strong partnership between industry and academia is very inspiring. I look forward to seeing how they will improve HDM machinery.

Julia Götz