Team My passion is to work with highly skilled scientists and innovative thinkers from industry and academia to build solutions for a sustainable future.
Dr. Jeanette Müller

<< Projects


Novel Catheter Tracking System

NoCaTS will develop and industrialize Trackcath for safer and more accurate tracking of the catheter to reduce the use of x-ray and contrast dye, and cost reduction in health systems.

NoCaTS provides a revolutionary catheter tracking system with an integrated sensor applying the Trackcath method. The catheter visualization is normally performed with fluoroscopy, but the visualization of side branches is only possible with the use of contrast dye. The dye is flushed after 1 second, and for this reason, the surgeons need to make many injections using a big quantity of dye. Trackcath technology enables the tracking of a catheter respect to an anatomical landmark, e.g. the renal arteries.

Medyria AG, CH


Funded Project

AreaEngineering, Environment, Life Sciences
ProgrammeEUREKA-Eurostars 2
Duration01.10.2021 – 30.09.2024
Budget1.7 million euro

Proposal Writing

We can support you in writing your next proposal. We are experts in proposal writing, managing the writing process with efficient time-keeping tasks and dealing with the European Commission online tools.
