Testimonial Having on board an experienced partner that is ready to assist in the solution of any management hassles is an invaluable help to a project coordinator. I strongly recommend it.
Prof. Luca Guardabassi
TRAIN-ASAP Project Coordinator, PILGRIM Project Partner
Københavns Universitet, Denmark

<< Projects


Training and Research AImed at Novel Antibacterial Solutions in Animals and People

TRAIN-ASAP addresses a very urgent public health issue. The lack of effective antibacterial drugs against resistant bacteria poses a serious threat to human health and has huge economic consequences on the healthcare system. The objective of this ITN is to fill the current gap between the burden of infections due to resistant bacteria and the strong need for alternative solutions to combat antibiotic resistance in both humans and animals. Young researchers will be trained in the scientific and complementary skills needed to implement a broad range of antibacterial approaches including the discovery of new antibiotics, synthesis of antimicrobial peptides with improved pharmacological properties, improvement of the clinical efficacy of currently known drugs, and alternative strategies based on phages and bacteriocin-producing organisms.
TRAIN-ASAP is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral ITN dedicated to the scientific and professional training of 14 early-stage researchers, including 2 financed by the University of Copenhagen, with the aim to develop novel antibacterial solutions for humans and animals. The consortium includes 7 academic institutions, 9 private enterprises and 2 national research centers representing 9 countries.
The training program is characterized by a uniquely innovative and multidisciplinary approach based on the use of front line research tools in molecular biology, combinatorial chemistry and in vivo pharmacology, an appropriate balance between scientific and generic skills training, and a strong contribution by the private partners in the form of mentoring, courses and secondments. Considering the urgent need for new drugs to combat antibiotic resistance and the growing demand for skilled scientists specialised in antibacterial drug discovery, TRAIN-ASAP is expected to have a strong impact on the careers of the trainees and result in a lasting collaboration between the partners and political, societal and economic benefits to Europe.

Københavns Universitet, DK


Funded Project

AreaHuman Health
Duration15.11.2011 – 14.05.2014
Budget0.5 million euro


We are happy to share our experience through transferable skills online training courses for ESRs in ongoing MSCA-ITNs. Pick and choose from six interactive, hands-on modules.



My passion is to work with highly skilled scientists and innovative thinkers from industry and academia to build solutions for a sustainable future.

Dr. Jeanette Müller