Testimonial accelopment’s high standard of professionalism and expertise were key in ensuring we maximised our chances of success in receiving funding.
Prof. Ira Haraldsen
AI-Mind Project Coordinator
Oslo University Hospital, Norway

<< Projects


Human Brain Project EBRAINS voucher grants AI-Mind access to a world class e-infrastructure for brain research

Currently, there is an ongoing artificial intelligence revolution that is re-defining the health sector. Personalised and precise healthcare is on the verge of advancing from concept to reality. AI-Mind, through an intelligent diagnostic tool for early, accurate screening and risk assessment to predict the development of dementia, will link Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology providers with clinical practitioners. AI-Mind will be the first diagnostic AI-supported decision-making tool in clinical neurological screening worldwide.

By partnering AI-MIND with the EU Flagship Human Brain Project (HBP), the consortium will be able to expand data access and develop a better algorithm model. HBP, through their digital research infrastructure EBRAINS, is developing multiscale modelling methodologies that allow the integration of multiscale heterogeneous data, including EEG data. Successful integration of these components is critical for personalising brain models, for closing the gap between models and empirical brain measured signals, for enabling validations and, subsequently, clinical applications. AI-MIND will contribute to a comprehensive clinical research data set with EEG data, advanced machine learning tools and decision support algorithms, as well as governance concepts, processing pipelines and data management routines. The overarching goal of AI-MIND integration in EBRAINS is to provide to the EBRAINS community workflows and data for personalised predictive modelling.

Collaborating with VirtualBrain and VirtualBrainCloud, two other HBP’s partnering projects, AI-Mind aims to contribute to HBPs main objectives of creating and operating a European Scientific Research Infrastructure for brain research, cognitive neuroscience, and other brain-inspired sciences; gather organize and disseminate data describing the brain and its diseases; simulating the brain; building multi-scale scaffold theory and models for the brain; and developing brain-inspired computing, data analytics and robotics.

Oslo University Hospital, NO


Funded Project

Duration01.02.2016 - 31.01.2019
Budget5.4 million euro


Negotiating your grant primarily involves a range of administrative tasks, including the provision of organisational, financial and legal information that will structure the implementation of your project. We usually accomplish these tasks in cooperation with the individual project partners` central offices and reduce your efforts to the absolute minimum.



For me it is rewarding to help businesses and scientific institutions creating the future. We break down barriers towards a world full of knowledge, research and innovation.

Andreia Cruz
Research & Innovation Project Manager, Group Lead