Testimonial What will make your funding application fly high and prevent it from crash-landing is ... accelopment!!
Dr. Theodossis Athanassios Theodossiou
FRINGE Project Coordinator
Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Strategic Grant Planning

Prepare a strategic plan for a successful EU project acquisition and management.

There are hundreds and thousands of funding opportunities. It is challenging to identify the best suitable funding scheme, decide which one fits into your research agenda or company strategy, and know which grant application requires how many resources and when.

Our Strategic Grant Planning (SGP) service will support you in identifying the best funding opportunity for your idea and in planning your grant applications for the upcoming years. We have a track record in the EU Framework Programmes (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe), Eurostars and other Europan schemes. With the start of Horizon Europe, we are well set up to guide you through its many instruments like the MSCA Doctoral Networks, Pathfinder Open and Transition, Health and Energy instruments as well as other new European and national funding schemes. Our experts develop individualised sessions and provide you with targeted grant advice.

1. Preparation

Our first step is to understand your R&D and innovation idea as well as your needs and objectives. We will communicate either by email or by phone. We will then discuss an offer with you.

2. Planning

Thanks to the information you shared during the preparation phase, we will perform a first screening of funding opportunities for you via an online meeting. Based on these discussions, we will then organise a tailored-made face-to-face meeting either in our office or at your location.

3. Follow-up

After our meeting, we will provide you with:

Key facts

Contact our expert

We speak your language and translate complex matters in a clear and simple way.

Marco Cavallaro

Proposal Writing

We can support you in writing your next proposal. We are experts in proposal writing, managing the writing process with efficient time-keeping tasks and dealing with the European Commission online tools.



Upcoming Horizon Europe “Health” calls – opportunities for you?

In November, the publication of the HORIZON Work Programme 2023-2024 for Health (Cluster 1) is expected. Our infographic analyses the available funding and shows the different submission deadlines. Find the most suitable call topic for your research and innovation project!



After more than ten years in academia, I joined accelopment to support researchers in translating scientific breakthroughs into innovative solutions.

Dr. Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw
Research & Innovation Project Manager