Team My passion is to collaborate with enthusiastic and motivated researchers from academia or industry, helping them transform their ideas into scientific breakthroughs.
Dr. Anna Ziemele
Research & Innovation Project Associate


Funding Advice

Identify the best suitable funding scheme
for your research and innovation idea.

The first step to a successful project is to identify the most appropriate funding programme for your innovation. Because there are many funding opportunities, it is complex to acquire a broad and precise overview of the different possibilities available for Health, the Green Deal and other sectors. From Horizon Europe, ERA-NETs to EUREKA Eurostars, and some national programmes, we have that overview. Together, we can explore the relevant funding schemes, identify suitable grants and develop a strategic and operational action plan to transform your idea into a funded project.



Proposal Writing


Write a strong proposal.

You have identified a suitable funding scheme or a specific call, or you have perhaps even already submitted a proposal and you want to (re-)apply. The next step is to get started on the actual project proposal and write a competitive grant application. We can support you in the proposal preparation from A to Z, from setting up the Administrative forms in the EU portal to zooming your innovative project in the reviewer`s perspective. As a sparring partner for you and your project partners, we can make the difference and help you bring your proposal to the next level. We have many years of experience in (EU) proposal writing, in managing the writing process with efficient time-keeping tasks and dealing with the European Commission online tools.


Grant Preparation

Negotiate your grant successfully.

Your project has been selected for funding and the European Commission or another funding agency has invited you to prepare the grant agreement. This step primarily involves a range of administrative tasks, including the provision of organisational, financial and legal information that will structure the implementation of your project. We usually accomplish these tasks in cooperation with the individual project partners` central offices and reduce your efforts to the absolute minimum.


Project Management

Manage your EU project efficiently.

The management of your EU funded project during its implementation and entire lifetime requires a lot of time and expert knowledge. This involves the coordination of all staekholders and continuous communication, timely reporting, financial monitoring and many more tasks. A well managed project allows you to focus on the science and obtaining results. We have a combined 75 years of EU project management experience and developed several management tools that are available for use in your project.  Thanks to having managed several dozens EU funded projects since FP5 and almost 30 H2020 iniatives, you will benefit from a wealth of specialist expertise and experience in-house for your research and innovation project in Horizon Europe and beyond.




Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation

Make an impact.

Your EU project and your project results are expected to have an impact on current societal challenges, Europe`s innovation capacity and competitiveness. Communication, dissemination and exploitation activities are essential in achieving these objectives. These range from creating a project specific website, stakeholder workshops to scientific publications in ideally peer-reviewed journals. Many of these activities require specific skills such as graphic design, communication strategy development and science communication writing. We have this skill-set and communication and business experts who can help raise awareness for your project and enhance your project’s impact in the short, medium and longer term.



Learn from us.

Whether you are planning to prepare a grant application or are getting ready to manage your EU funded project. We are happy to share our experience in hands-on training for proposal writing, EU project management and in communication, dissemination and exploitation, tailored to your specific needs. Over the years, our proposal writing workshops for Innovative Training Network (ITN) and Doctoral Network (DN) applicants as well as our one-to-one sessions with individual proposal advice to proposal coordinators have become particularly popular. Additionally, we provide transferable skills training courses to Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) of ongoing ITNs and DNs on topics such as research project management, science communication, data management, gender equality, funding opportunities and grant writing.
