
Invited to prepare the Horizon EU Grant Agreement? Your journey is beginning!

Our project managers have been involved in several Horizon EU projects already and gathered extensive insights into the Grant Agreement Preparation process. With the hope of easing the process for other successful EU project coordinators and partners, summarised below are our team’s latest tips to navigate through a hopefully smooth GAP process.


From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe – what is new in the DESCA Model Consortium Agreement?

If your project gets funded, the EC requires you to establish a Consortium Agreement to ensure the (IP) rights and obligations, for all partners, that are not defined in the EC Grant Agreement. Using the DESCA template remains the gold standard.


From H2020 to Horizon Europe – a closer look at the new Grant Agreement

When your project is selected for EU funding, the Grant Agreement (a funding contract between the European Commission and the project consortium) is a prerequisite for the project to start. The new framework programme Horizon Europe has brought key changes to the Model Grant Agreement.
