Assessment - Onboarding

Assessment - Onboarding

The aim of the onboarding assessment is to improve the onboarding process for future employees and ensure new employees have been introduced to the team and work processes sufficiently.

Prior to the first day of work

1. You received your work contract before your first day of work and it was signed by both parties.
2. After your job interview/ confirmation you were in contact with an employee/ employees from accelopment before your first day of work.

First day of work

3. You’ve recieved all equipment to start your work (e.g. office key, laptop) at the office or remotely.
4. You’ve been assigned a colleague («buddy») to be your first point of contact within the team.
5. You were informed about office hours and home office regulations.
6. You were informed about how to fill in your timesheets.
7. You were informed about holiday regulations.
8. You were familiarised with the Quality Management System i.e. the processes and the company structure.
9. You were introduced to the office facilities (e.g. work place, kitchen, toilet).
10. You were shown where to find materials and equipment (e.g. paper, printer, coffee).

After the first week of work

11. You met all of your colleagues in person and you know how to contact each of them.
12. You have received clear tasks and responsibilities.
13. You are familiar with the products accelopment offers (proposal writing, training, SGP, etc.)
14. You are familiar with sharepoint / Micosoft Office 365
15. You are familiar with Outlook.
16. You are familiar with the printer and know how to print and scan documents.
17. You are familiar with the folder structure.

After 4-8 weeks of work

18. You had a first feedback conversation with your «buddy»
19. You receive feedback on your tasks and your questions are being anwered in a timely manner.
20. You participated in a team event.

Further comments