
The expertise at accelopment in understanding each call’s requirements and nuances reassured me that pursuing an Industrial Doctorate was the right choice. I am glad that this led to the STACCATO Industrial Doctorate.

Dr. Colin Clarke – SGP participant
STACCATO Project Coordinator
NIBRT Systems Biology Research Group, Ireland

Without accelopment’s knowledge and support, we would not have been able to be awarded our Doctoral Network grant.

Dr. Filiep Vanpoucke – SGP participant
MOSAICS Project Coordinator
Cochlear Technology Centre, Belgium

accelopment helps transform breakthrough scientific and technological ideas into exceptional research proposals.

Prof. Dr. Joao Seco
BoneOscopy Project Coordinator
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany

Having accelopment on the team is delightful. With their extensive help we wrote an application that presents our story powerfully. In addition, their expert and dedicated help with administrative tasks is relieving me from lots of stress.

Per Grön
PIONEAR Project Coordinator
Lumiary AB, Sweden

accelopment has been a great help in both acquiring and running our MSCA Doctoral Network. They are very knowledgeable, efficient and pleasant to interact with.

Prof. Sijbren Otto
DarChemDN Project Coordinator
University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Achieving funding success requires being competitive in all aspects of the proposal-writing process. Working with the dedicated and experienced professionals at accelopment made the critical differences across our entire proposal.

Assoc. Prof. Tim Causon
MobiliTraIN Project Coordinator
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria

I have worked with accelopment on several EU proposals and at every occasion they made the proposal better. Their expertise and their dedication is second to none.

Prof. Andreas Heise
POLINA Project Coordinator, NeoGel Project Coordinator,
REFINE Project Coordinator, NanoCarb Project Partner
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RCSI, Ireland

accelopment is not just another consultancy firm: they go all in with tons of dedication, critical thinking and constructive discussions!

Prof. Frederik De Smet
GLIOMATCH Project Coordinator
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

accelopment has been our ace in the hole: experience, competence and dedication in coordinating an extraordinary group of researchers.

Prof. Americo Cicchetti
EDiHTA Project Coordinator, AI-Mind Project Partner
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Working closely with accelopment has been incredibly smooth. Their dedication to professionalism and achieving results is truly praiseworthy.

Prof. Koen Pardon
EU-PAL-COPD Project Coordinator
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

It was great to have professional support from accelopment, especially for the detailed 6-monthly reporting required by Interreg.

Dr. Margot Jehle
Codex4SMEs Project Coordinator
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH, Germany

Applying for an EU grant can be formidable, especially for SMEs. However, with accelopment at our side, it was much easier to sail through the process of converting initial rough proposal ideas into a true pearl.

Tomaž Karčnik
PEARL-DNA Project coordinator
BioSistemika, Slovenia

Whether it is sharpening proposals for highly competitive Horizon Europe calls, or boosting communication and dissemination activities - working with accelopment makes all the difference.

Middle-aged man in shirt with glasses and a beard.Prof. Jérôme Barrau
SOLARX Project Coordinator
University of Lleida, Spain

It is great to work over many years with such a fantastic partner and the team at accelopment. Very professional and great contributions to the MSCA projects Perform on Digital Retail and DIGI+ on Digital Transformation.

Prof. Markus Helfert
DIGI+ Project Coordinator
National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland

Our vision, expertise and knowledge as consortium partners, combined with accelopment’s effective guiding throughout the drafting and submission, resulted in a successful project expected to deliver high impact to the sector.

Dr. Montse Daban
BRIGHT Project Coordinator
Biocat, la Fundació BioRegió de Catalunya, Spain

The difference between successful and unfunded proposals often lies in small details. Finding precisely these details is what the accelopment team can help you with.

Dr. Peter Fuchs
MIRELAI Project Coordinator
Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH, Austria

Throughout the grant preparation process I benefited from the full and dedicated support of the accelopment team in charge of my project: I could not have asked for more professional partners.

Prof. Carlo Vascotto
MITGEST Project Coordinator
University of Udine, Italy

The accelopment team never sleeps. The team readily injects encouragement and motivation when enthusiasm and energy are flagging and actively applies pressure when required to raise the level of their client’s performance.

Prof. Caitriona O’Driscoll
GENEGUT Project Coordinator
University College Cork, Ireland

Sharpening a scientifically appealing idea with a highly motivated, professional, and dynamic accelopment team is one of the key elements to scale-up success in Horizon Europe proposals.

Prof. Eren Erdal Aksoy
ROADVIEW Project Coordinator
Halmstad University, Sweden

From initial discussions between team members to a successful grant application in one month! accelopment took care of organising the proposal and translated abstract ideas into a concrete plan to create impact with our science. A very smooth collaboration!

Prof. Wilhelm T. S. Huck
CORENET Project Partner
Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

The team at accelopment provided an invaluable service which ultimately made all the difference in getting our proposal funded.

John O'Toole_photo_isolated_500x500Dr. John O’Toole
AI4NICU Project Coordinator
University College Cork, Ireland

The professionalism the accelopment team shows in their responsibilities is much appreciated.

Achim-Kohler_isolatedProf. Achim Kohler
PHOTONFOOD Project Coordinator
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

It was a pleasure working with the team of accelopment on our Eurostars application. The communication was efficient and the whole workstream was very professional.

Christoph Geers - ATMDr. Christoph Geers
AirToxMonitor Project Coordinator,
NanoLockin GmbH, Switzerland

accelopment challenged us, as scientists, to identify why our idea really mattered and required fine detail in every aspect of our proposal. It is in these margins that success can be achieved.

Prof. Andrew Kellett
PPtBio Project Coordinator, NATURE-ETN Project Coordinator
Dublin City University, Ireland

To work with accelopment is not only efficient but fun! They top everything I have experienced so far in grant writing – competence, dedication, and results.

Prof. Kai Zacharowski
COVend Project Coordinator, ENVISION Project Coordinator
University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany

As scientist you need the guidance and structure that accelopment provides to be successful in grant applications. They nudge you to be explicit about the benefits and impact of your scientific work and help you to write a winning proposal.

Gerdien van Schaik photoProf. Gerdien van Schaik
DECIDE Project Coordinator
Utrecht University, Netherlands

Partnering with accelopment for the EURO SHOCK programme has been transformatory. Their experience in supporting complex consortia is second to none and has been an essential addition to our team.

Dr. Dave Adlam
EURO SHOCK Project Coordinator
University of Leicester, United Kingdom

The critical insights and vital inputs provided by accelopment have highly boosted my grant application and helped me secure the funding.

Photo of Dr. Pritam BoseDr. Pritam Bose
MSCA Individual Fellow
Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Following our vision we made the next jump and not the next step. accelopment believed in us from the first second. We were supported with their professional grant writing expertise.

Diana PaulyProf. Diana Pauly
SciFiMed Project Coordinator
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

accelopment’s high standard of professionalism and expertise were key in ensuring we maximised our chances of success in receiving funding.

Prof. Ira Haraldsen
AI-Mind Project Coordinator
Oslo University Hospital, Norway

To have the right balance between academic, industry and SME partners is essential in all EU funding schemes.

Prof. Biswajit Basu
SYSWIND Project Coordinator
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The accelopment team has been a huge help to us, from the conceptual development of an application all the way to the finished document.

Prof. Karl Schmedders
DLX Project Coordinator, EnerDice Project Coordinator
University of Zürich, Switzerland
Now at International Institute for Management Development, Switzerland

We quickly found a common language; our interaction was fruitful and professional. Accelopment spare no effort for achieving the goal.

Prof. Atanas Gotchev
ImmerSAFE Project Coordinator
Tampere University, Finland

With professional responsibility and project management, accelopment kept us on track towards the common objective of submitting a successful proposal.

Prof. Christos Reppas
PI in PEARRL, InPharma, and AgePOP
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

The accelopment team knows what’s important for a successful EU proposal and how to competently manage it when funded.

Prof. Maria Vertzoni
AGePOP Project Coordinator, InPharma & PEARRL Project Partner
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

To achieve the highest possible score for our proposal would have been unthinkable without accelopment’s dedicated support. To have them as a partner in this project is a true blessing.

Prof. Kai Zacharowski
COVend Project Coordinator, ENVISION Project Coordinator
University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany

accelopment’s experienced support will save your time and will significantly increase your probability of success.

Konstantin Lutze
MiniLib Project Coordinator
HSE AG, Switzerland

Highly competent, target-oriented and constructively critical, it has always been a great pleasure to work with accelopment.

Dr. Munish Chanana
TEEWood Project Coordinator, RETWood Project Coordinator
Swiss Wood Solutions AG, Switzerland

Almost every proposal we have written together with accelopment has passed the critical threshold. This is quality plus devotion.

Dr. Munish Chanana
TEEWood Project Coordinator, RETWood Project Coordinator
Swiss Wood Solutions AG, Switzerland

It is always a pleasure to work with the people from accelopment. In my experience they are dedicated, honest, and to the point.

Prof. Menno Prins
CONSENSE Project Coordinator
Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands

accelopment was the critical catalyst in our project. They made the seemingly impossible possible and I cannot recommend them highly enough.

Prof. Louise Kenny
IMPROvED Project Coordinator
University College Cork, Ireland
Now at University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Working with accelopment has been very valuable, in particular in guiding the ‘H2020 newcomer’ SMEs participating in the project and giving an extra hand where needed.

Dr. Elena Jubete
Mat4Rail Project Coordinator

Writing a H2020 proposal is an enormous task and requires not only excellent science but also substantial experience in proposal writing. accelopment also provides useful assistance in terms of project management and communication.

Dr. Ekaterine Berishvili
VANGUARD Project Coordinator
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Breakthrough technologies require breakthrough EU proposal and project management support from accelopment.

Prof. Kristian Berg
Lumiblast Project Coordinator, PCInano Project Coordinator
Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Working with accelopment was central to our success. The strategic guidance provided throughout grant writing enabled us to frame our scientific programme in the right context for reviewers.

Dr. Colin Clarke
STACCATO Project Coordinator,
NIBRT Systems Biology Research Group, Ireland

Breakthrough technologies require breakthrough EU proposal and project management support from accelopment.

Prof. Kristian Berg
PCInano Project Coordinator, Lumiblast Project Coordinator
Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Success is built on partnership, ideas and scientific excellence merged with professional communication and management.

Prof. Peter Hoet
EXIMIOUS Project Coordinator
KU Leuven, Belgium

Working with the highly experienced and skillful accelopment team was crucial for the success of the EuroNeurotrophin project and will be instrumental in showcasing the project results and achievements.

Dr. Theodora Calogeropoulou
EuroNeurotrophin Project Coordinator
National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece

With a lot of work as coordinator, accelopment helped me every time when I needed it, at any time of the day or night.

Prof. Przemyslaw Data
EXCILIGHT Project Coordinator
Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Involving accelopment in the submission has been a great move. Their experience and attention to certain relevant details has absolutely boosted our grant application score. I highly recommend.

Dr. Filiep Vanpoucke
MOSAICS Project Coordinator
Cochlear Technology Centre, Belgium

I have found in accelopment a strongly committed partner willing to pro-actively support us as much as possible. Their work was of great value to guide us through project and administrative managements.

Dr. Sylvain Nicolay
CHEOPS Project Coordinator
CSEM SA, Switzerland
Now at Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

We already had plenty of experience from two MSCA COFUND programs. However, accelopment was the perfect sparring partner helping us in up-grading our concept and proposal.

Stefan Müller
PSI-FELLOW-II-3i Project Coordinator
Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

I was happy to have accelopment as a precious advisor and partner organisation from the early stage of the grant proposal writing to the daily management routine of the research grant.

Dr. Marco Monopoli
NanoCarb Project Coordinator
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RCSI, Ireland

PROHEALTH was the largest ever EU funded project on animal health. Accelopment was involved in all project stages and ensured that the project was a resounding success, despite its complexity.

Prof. Ilias Kyriazakis
PROHEALTH Project Coordinator,
Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Now at Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom

We had 23 partners from 17 countries. Our biggest challenge was to assemble the right forms and the budgets from all our partners in good time.

Prof. Anthony Staines
RICHE Project Coordinator
Dublin City University, Ireland

To have the right balance between academic, industry and SME partners is essential in all EU funding schemes.

Prof. Biswajit Basu
SYSWIND Project Coordinator
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Any European project can only create real impact if excellence in communication and dissemination is on board, as well as a profound understanding of exploitation strategies to bring innovation to the market. accelopment delivers this.

Prof. Olaf Adan
HEAT-INSYDE Project Coordinator
TNO, The Netherlands

The preparation of a H2020 proposal requires great experience and organisation skills. accelopment has been an invaluable partner in the drafting of the Train2Target proposal and its longtime experience will be essential for achieving our objectives.

Prof. Alessandra Polissi
Train2Target Project Coordinator
University of Milano, Italy

With their expertise in national funding programmes accelopment had supported our proposal to the Commission for technology and innovation CTI, helping to ensure its success.

Prof. Martin Gubler
CTI Project – Der Wert der beruflichen Weiterbildung Project Coordinator
Schwyz University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
Now at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland

Writing a H2020 proposal is an immense task that requires experience and great organizational skills. accelopment provided that and much more to the XoSoft proposal.

Dr. Jesus Ortiz
XoSoft Project Coordinator
Italian Institute of Technology, Italy

The true commitment of our industrial partners and accelopment were crucial for the success of both the ADEL and the SOSLeM project.

Olivier Bucheli
ADEL Project Coordinator, SOSLeM Project Partner
HTceramix SA, Switzerland
Now at ExerGo SA, Switzerland

Applying for EU grants should carry a ‘PG’ warning…don’t try this unsupervised! accelopment provided the expertise, guidance and know-how to make the difference between a good idea for research funding and a successfully funded research grant.

Prof. Brendan Griffin
InPharma Project Coordinator, PEARRL Project Coordinator
University College Cork, Ireland

EU project coordination is not for the faint hearted. With the support of accelopment it becomes an exciting journey.

Sabine_Moebs-small with shouldersProf. Sabine Moebs
EAGLE Project Partner
Dublin City University, Ireland
Now at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany

The Eurostars project Optobrain had an enormous impact on the growth of our start-up company NeMoDevices. Support by accelopment in project application and contract negotiations was truly unique.

Prof. Emanuela Keller
OPTO-BRAIN Project Coordinator
University of Zurich, Switzerland / NeMoDevices AG, Switzerland

Developing a work plan that effectively merged a cross-disciplinary partnership from academia and industry was critical to the success of our FP7 ICT proposal.

Prof. Tony Killard
SIMS Project Coordinator
University of the West of England, United Kingdom

accelopment helps to bring your ideas onto paper in a way that convinces reviewers your plan is excellent and worth funding. We benefit from their proficiency in proposal writing and up-to-date knowledge of EC rules.

Prof. Reza Ghabcheloo
MORE Project Coordinator
Tampere University, Finland

The Supporting LIFE consortium are delighted to be working with accelopment, as their hands-on working experience of supporting such large scale, long term projects is invaluable in assisting us achieve our research objectives.

Dr. John O‘Donoghue
Supporting LIFE Project Coordinator
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Now at University College Cork, Ireland

Efficient management of an EU project requires experience in finances, reporting & administration. accelopment structures proposal writing into manageable steps.

Prof. Katharina Stärk
PILGRIM Project Coordinator, RISKSUR Project Partner
Royal Veterinary College, United Kingdom / Safoso AG, Switzerland
Now at Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, Switzerland

We had an excellent idea and good partners, but no roadmap to a cohesive proposal and severe time pressure. accelopment showed us the way.

Prof. Dermot Brougham
UNION Project Coordinator
Dublin City University, Ireland
Now at University College Dublin, Ireland

Having on board an experienced partner that is ready to assist in the solution of any management hassles is an invaluable help to a project coordinator. I strongly recommend it.

Prof. Luca Guardabassi
TRAIN-ASAP Project Coordinator, PILGRIM Project Partner
Københavns Universitet, Denmark

Turning a good idea into a project with tangible results required guidance.

Prof. Jonathan Rushton
NEAT Project Coordinator, RISKSUR & DECIDE Project Partner
Royal Veterinary College, United Kingdom
Now at University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Successful proposals require more than high quality science. Researchers will benefit from involving accelopment.

Prof. Dirk Pfeiffer
RISKSUR Project Coordinator
Royal Veterinary College, United Kingdom
Now at City University of Hong Kong

accelopment helps you to focus on science, and to have focused research proposals.

Dr. Roberto Improta
LightDyNAmics Project Coordinator
CNR, Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging, Italy

Our four Early Stage Researchers in the NeoGel project got an insight into EU and other funding opportunities and benefited from accelopment`s many years of experience in European and other grants.

Prof. Andreas Heise
POLINA Project Coordinator, NeoGel Project Coordinator,
REFINE Project Coordinator, NanoCarb Project Partner
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RCSI, Ireland

Working with the accelopment team was truly inspiring. As scientists we know how to write a good scientific proposal but accelopment lifts it up in terms of focus and quality.

Prof. Andreas Heise
POLINA Project Coordinator, NeoGel Project Coordinator,
REFINE Project Coordinator, NanoCarb Project Partner
Dublin City University, Ireland
Now at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland RCSI, Ireland

The expertise in the management of EU funding programmes is crucial for the success of a project. accelopment is a valuable partner and its longtime experience is essential for achieving our objectives.

Prof. Hans-Wernher van de Venn
Robo-Mate Project Coordinator, XoSoft Project Partner
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

What will make your funding application fly high and prevent it from crash-landing is ... accelopment!!

Dr. Theodossis Athanassios Theodossiou
FRINGE Project Coordinator
Oslo University Hospital, Norway

accelopment was the key to our success in garnering funding for the PEARRL project; we are looking forward to their continued support as the project progresses.

Prof. Jennifer Dressman
PEARRL Project Partner
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany

Thanks to accelopment, our project internal procedures such as decision-making and IP matters were well-defined in our proposal.

Prof. Michael Woods
DERREG Project Coordinator
Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom

accelopment challenged us, as scientists, to identify why our idea really mattered and required fine detail in every aspect of our proposal. It is in these margins that success can be achieved.

Prof. Andrew Kellett
ClickGene Project Coordinator, NATURE-ETN Project Coordinator
Dublin City University, Ireland

Managing an EU project is a complex process but easy if you know how and know-how is what accelopment has in plenty.

Peadar Mac Gabhann
KHCCBIO Project Partner
Biostór Ireland Ltd, Ireland

"Very good" is not enough to obtain EU funding. accelopment helped us make our proposal excellent - a difference which paid off.

Dr. Eric Ras
EAGLE Project Partner
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg

It was a pleasure to work with accelopment and a real help for boosting the image of our project.

Dr. Alex Morata
IREC Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Spain

As soon as a question arises concerning funding, accelopment already delivers the answer.

Roger Roth
MAXCOAT Project Partner
ITS Industrie- und Technozentrum Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Now at Wunderstaa Wein AG , Switzerland

Succeeding in European projects does not only require scientific excellence but also the best professionals in proposal writing, project management and communication.

Prof. Andrés de la Escosura
CORENET Project Coordinator
CLASSY Project Coordinator
Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

Excellent project proposals require the best from scientists and industry, but also skills of highly experienced EC proposal writers, and that is where accelopment excels.

Prof. Leonard O’Sullivan
Robo-Mate & XoSoft Project Partner
University of Limerick, Ireland