Amazing insights into wood technologies at the Green Week events
2nd September 2020 at 1:24 pm
Biodiversity and nature are priorities under the European Green Deal. During October 2020, at the European Green Week, you have the chance to gain insights into a multitude of related projects, ideas and solutions to problems.
Forests worldwide are a huge biodiversity repository. Especially rainforests play a major role, but are up to date in danger of deforestation, also by wood consumption in Europe. Swiss Wood Solutions and accelopment therefore present you two input events on wood biodiversity and protecting forests:
High-tech meets nature–wood biodiversity for the future (webinar series)

When? 30/09/2020 – 21/10/2020
What? This webinar series showcases different approaches for the sustainable use of wood, and technical solutions which can shape the future of wood biodiversity. In these free, interactive webinars, you can learn about fascinating wood biodiversity ideas and solutions.
Who? Research community and businesses in the area of wood biodiversity, sustainable wood technologies and eco-friendly wood construction. The wider community is welcome to join.
Wood for Future–new technologies to preserve wood biodiversity

When? 14/10/2020
What? In this virtual discussion forum, experts of diverse areas connected to wood biodiversity will discuss current issues of wood biodiversity preservation and how new technologies enable its sustainable future.
Who? Policy makers, decision makers, opinion leaders, multipliers, clusters, interest groups, wood industry and scientific community. Open to everyone who wants to shape the future of wood biodiversity.
The events have already passed, but sign up for our Green Deal blogs and we will keep you informed on our future projects.
Swiss Wood Solutions AG SWS is an ETH and EMPA spin-off in the field of novel wood-based materials. They believe that the traditional way of using wood does not do justice to its real potential. With the project proposal TEEWood-2, which received the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission, they aim to push the boundaries of current wood properties.
accelopment AG Our objective at accelopment is to help you acquire and manage public funding for your innovation project. Research in the Green Deal area is especially important to us, such as in HEAT-INSYDE, MORE and H-DisNet. If you have any questions about the events or how we can support you please contact our experts:
Dr. Johannes Ripperger
Research & Innovation Manager
Denise Diggelmann
Intern Marketing & Communication