
The Swiss Guide to Horizon Europe financial reporting – EC versus SERI requirements

This blog post offers invaluable insights for Swiss organisations navigating the differences between EU and SERI financial reporting requirements. Discover SERI's specific reporting periods, payment schedules, and documentation demands. Learn from our first-hand experience to ensure your SERI financial reports are accurate, timely and compliant.


Quality assurance for successful Horizon Europe projects – sharing best practices

Unlocking success in Horizon Europe projects! This blog post explores the critical role of quality management. We'll share best practices for ensuring efficient collaboration, maximising project impact, and achieving excellence. Plus, learn about how our internally developed tools like accelMONITOR and accelINNO® can benefit you in your research and innovation projects.


Trends in the renewable energy market – insights from our Horizon Europe SOLARX experts

The European energy market is going through a major transition towards renewable energy. We asked experts involved in the Horizon Europe-funded SOLARX project about their views on the medium- to long-term trends and to provide an outlook on renewable energy systems as a key component of the European Green Deal.


FAIR Data and Data Management in Horizon Europe projects

Transitioning from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe brings new Open Science requirements for EU-funded projects. The most significant is the mandatory Data Management Plan. Want to ensure your data is FAIR? Our experts at accelopment can guide you through the process with our practical templates and guidelines to maximise the impact and visibility of your research.


EIC Pathfinder success rates fall below 5% – how to prepare for future calls

The European Innovation Council (EIC) recently published the results of the 2024 EIC Pathfinder Open call, which witnessed a record-breaking total of 1,119 submissions. A total of 45 projects have been selected under the call. Here, you can find some call statistics in comparison to previous years, and how we can support you for the next call.


Include a Widening country partner and boost your Horizon project with the Hop-On Facility

With a stunning success of 84% and still one week to go, there is still time to prepare your Hop-on application, which allows you to add a participant from a widening country to an existing Pillar 2 and EIC Pathfinder ongoing project. Reach out to us and we will help you submit a successful application.


More precise and more personalised – find the right Horizon Europe calls with our Strategic Grant Planning service

Are you looking for funding for your research and innovation activities? We can help you with our Strategic Grant Planning service. Thanks to our new accelGRANTS© tool, we use data-driven analysis to match project ideas with relevant upcoming calls, providing fast and personalised funding options in Horizon Europe and beyond.


Boost your impact – Further strategies to elevate Green Deal projects outreach

We continue unveiling more details about the activities that elevate the score in the Impact section of the Green Deal projects. We share our experience to make your project's outreach stand out in the EU project proposals.


Step-by-step guide to support your Eurostars-3 application for your R&D project

The 7th Eurostars-3 Call is now open, offering SMEs a valuable opportunity to secure funding for collaborative R&D projects. This blog post outlines the process and key steps of crafting a successful Eurostars application with expert support from accelopment. Ready to turn your innovative idea into reality? Let accelopment be your sparring partner!


Boost your impact – Effective communication and dissemination of Horizon Europe Green Deal projects

Dozens of Green Deal funding opportunities for research and innovation projects are still open in the current Horizon Europe programme until 2025. We share our experience from drafting the Impact section of Part B and notably its sub-chapter on the “Plan for the dissemination and exploitation including communication activities”.


Opening of the new EUREKA Eurostars 3 call 7 – Novelties and tips for your application

The Eurostars-3 programme is back with its second call for 2024! This is your chance to collaborate with international partners and secure public funding for your cutting-edge R&D project. This blog post provides a roadmap for your application: understand eligibility, mandatory legal documents and (re-) submission tips. Don't miss out – the deadline is already on the 12th September 2024!


Funding the fight against cancer: a closer look at opportunities linked to the ECPDC

The blueprint for implementing the European Cancer Patient Digital Center (ECPDC), carried out by Charité Berlin, has now been published. With deadline on 18 September 2024, there is still time to prepare and submit a Cancer Mission proposal to the two open topics to support the establishment of the ECPDC, as well as to the other open call topics.


Making outreach reporting easier – the importance of continuous monitoring

With this blog post, we list common challenges to the reporting on communication, dissemination and exploitation activities to the European Commission and share our best practices on how to overcome these, including methods and tools.


EU Missions supporting the Green Deal – funding opportunities 2024/2025

The 2024-2025 EU Missions offer diverse funding opportunities targeting the European Green Deal, with ambitious and transformative goals to create a sustainable future. We can help you navigate through the Green Deal landscape to identify the calls that fit your project idea.


Research and innovation towards an environmentally sustainable, circular and bio-based economy

Cluster 6 of Horizon Europe and CBE JU offer numerous funding opportunities for environmentally sustainable, circular and bio-based economy topics. Take a closer look to find calls that will fit your project ideas. With both deadlines in September 2024, there is still enough time to prepare and submit your proposal.


Health grants for R&I on pandemics – from monitoring and treatment to preparedness

Taking on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, new R&I initiatives and funding have been allocated to prepare for when the next pandemic comes. In this blog, we share our experience with the ENVISION and COVend projects and provide details on the open call topic for pandemic preparedness with deadline on 26 November 2024.


Research and innovation for climate-neutral energy supply and mobility across Europe

The European Green Deal initiative is one of the major policy priorities of the European Commission. Some of its many funding opportunities are in Cluster 5 of Horizon Europe, namely those designated to address mitigating climate change and minimising associated negative impacts, accelerating the green energy transition, and revolutionising the mobility sector.


EUREKA Eurostars eligibility check – is your project qualified for innovation funding?

Thinking of applying for Eurostars funding for your innovative project? Don't get tangled up in the various eligibility criteria! This blog post explains the basic requirements, but remember, there are country-specific variations. Use our free eChecker tool to find out whether you are eligible for the latest call for proposals.


Mastering the MSCA-DN proposal: joining the puzzle pieces into a DC-sized training plan

Which skills can be combined in a training session, and which training sessions should be delivered when and how? accelopment’s tips to create a DC-sized training plan for your next MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) proposal.


MSCA 2024 Doctoral Networks call – essential updates for applicants

The MSCA 2024 Doctoral Networks call is expected to open on 29 May 2024. We reviewed the updated Work Programme, Guide for Applicants, and Standard Proposal Template to identify the key changes to last year’s call. Whether you are resubmitting an old proposal or starting to draft a new one, make sure you are aware of the critical changes.


Your guide to 2024 Cancer Mission call topics – key Q&As for proposal success

The updated Cancer Mission Work Programme 2024 has recently been released, and six new call topics with total funding of €119 million are now ready for your proposal submission. In this blog post, we provide insights from the Q&A sessions of the Cancer Mission info days to support your proposal preparation journey.


Mastering the MSCA-DN proposal: skills and trainers for a well-rounded training plan

Whether you are considering improving a previously unsuccessful proposal for resubmission, or excited to put forward a whole new idea, this blog post will take you through our team’s top recommendations on how to set up a solid training plan for your next MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) proposal.


Planning Cancer Mission cluster activities in your Horizon Europe proposal

Managing a Cancer Mission project can be challenging, especially when it comes to clustering activities. Dive into the insights gained from our experience with Cancer Mission projects and learn about the objectives and methods of the Cancer Mission and how project clustering can effectively harness synergies and prevent duplicative efforts.


EUREKA’s Eurostars – Insights to power your next innovation project application

Considering a collaborative R&D project with international partners? Eurostars might be it! Learn about success rates, the programme's impact on past participants and discover how Eurostars can help you launch your innovation onto the European stage by securing funding to supercharge your next project!


Hundreds of Green Deal funding opportunities for research and innovation in Europe

Access EU Green Deal funding for research & innovation! We'll navigate you through diverse programmes & initiatives addressing climate change, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, circular economy, and clean transportation. Subscribe for insights & personalised grant planning.


Transferable skills training in MSCA-DNs – from proposal, grant preparation to project

Whether you are riding the high of recent funding success from the 2023 MSCA Doctoral Networks (DNs) call or reflecting after grant rejection, now is a good time to consider the importance of transferable skills training and how they should be included in the training programmes of MSCA-DNs.


EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2024 – more than just 5 new call topics for proposals

The Pathfinder Challenges 2024 projects set out to pave the way for breakthrough, innovative and radically new ideas in areas of Cleantech and Digitalisation. In this article, we look at the five upcoming proposal calls and give you a short overview of our involvement in EU projects supporting digital transformations and the EU Green Deal.


Higher cut-offs and lower success rates in the 2023 MSCA Doctoral Networks call

The European Commission has completed the evaluation of the proposals submitted for the 2023 MSCA Call for Doctoral Networks. The results of the 2023 call reveal a more intense competition with higher funding thresholds compared to the previous 2022 call.


EIC Pathfinder Challenges – novelties in this year’s call 2024

The EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2024 offer new and exciting funding opportunities. Here are some points to give you an insight into this funding scheme, with highlights of this year’s proposal, funding type and evaluation considerations. Have a look to see if this call might be right for you.


EIC Pathfinder Open proposal submissions in early 2024 at an all-time high

The 2024 EIC Pathfinder Open call witnessed a record-breaking total of 1,119 submissions. The evaluation process is underway and the results are anticipated in summer 2024. Here, we summarise some insights from these call statistics in comparison to previous years, and introduce novel funding opportunities offered by the 2024 Pathfinder Challenges.


Do not let risks become real – best practices for risk management in Horizon Europe

Consortia of Horizon Europe projects need to follow risk assessment procedures to identify and define risk mitigation strategies timely and appropriately. Proper EU project risk management ensures a smooth implementation process and is key for the success of your collaborative research project.


Opportunities ahead: Call topics from the EU’s Cancer Mission in 2024

A look into the EU Cancer Mission call topics contained in Horizon’s Europe 2023-2025 work programme. With a funding of 119 million euros, the programme contains six call topics with a submission deadline on 18 September 2024. In this blog post, we summarise their details and provide insight on Cluster-related project activities.


Supporting diversity in research environments: a look at Science Europe’s new guide

A look into Science Europe’s new ‘Practical Guide to Supporting Diversity in Research Environments’. A must-read guide if you are part of a research organisation willing to improve its equality, diversity and inclusion, but also an insightful resource if you are looking to broaden your awareness of gender diversity and best practices.


From data to insight: The power of data visualisation in EU-funded projects

Data visualisation is a powerful tool to simplify and enhance understanding of complex data. Explore some data visualisation tools that can effectively transform research data in EU-funded projects into clear and concise messages for diverse audiences, highlighting the crucial role of ethics and accessibility for inclusive design.


Effective Reporting in Horizon Europe: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation

Navigating the intricate requirements set forth by the European Commission for reporting in Horizon Europe can become a challenge. In this blog post, experts from accelopment focus on reporting to the EC about communication, dissemination and exploitation activities.


Decoding lump sum funding – how to plan your Horizon proposal budget

Discover how the new lump sum model impacts Horizon Europe proposal preparation, learn to set up a lump sum budget and understand the evaluation nuances in our detailed guide.


Health proposals involving clinical studies – changes in the regulation and template

The deadline for single-stage and stage-2 proposals for Horizon Europe collaborative research and innovation (RIA) health projects is approaching fast. For most projects, the submission of the clinical study document will be necessary. Here we cover the changes to the clinical study template and share a few tips for a successful application.


Moving from stage-1 to stage-2 with your Health proposal – tips for your work plan

The work plan is a key element of EU-funded research and innovation projects. If you have passed stage-1, you can still finetune the work packages. For Health projects, you might want to consider some specific aspects for your work plan based on our experience from successful proposals and projects.


Horizon Europe Health proposals: What are the success chances in stage 2?

In this post about the Horizon Europe Cluster 1 Health two-stage calls, we look into the submission statistics and foreseen chances of success of proposals that passed stage 1. This time, the thresholds are extremely high due to an oversubscription in some calls.


Moving from stage-1 to stage-2 with your Health proposal – tips for the non-scientific parts

After more than four months of waiting for the evaluation results of the Health stage-1 proposals on 19 September 2023, in total, more than 1,000 project coordinators and several thousands of project partners have now been informed on whether they are invited to submit a stage-2 proposal.


EIC Work Programme 2024 vs 2023 – changes in Pathfinder Open and Challenges

This year’s EIC Pathfinder funding instruments have both introduced some key changes. Here, we summarise the important difference from the last year which might help you to better prepare yourself for the submission or re-submission of your project proposal, and its evaluation process.


Analysis of the EIC Pathfinder Open funded projects 2021-2023 – research areas, disciplines and more

EIC Pathfinder Open proposals that bring together high-risk/high-gain, radically new technologies and establish a highly complementary consortium are likely to be viewed favourably. Which other factors make your proposal compelling? Explore our insights from funded projects 2021-2023.


The EIC Work Programme for 2024 – Opportunities across the full range of technology readiness

The EIC Work Programme for 2024 has been published. Have a look at the changes and novelties compared to 2023, focusing on the Pathfinder Open, Pathfinder Challenges and Transition instruments.


How to comply with EU financial rules in Horizon Europe projects

Dive into the most common financial errors in Horizon Europe projects. From timesheet best practices to calculating daily rates, we guide you through ensuring financial compliance and project success, avoiding common errors that can affect funding for the whole consortium.


Trends in EIC Pathfinder evaluation results – open to accepting the challenge

The EIC Pathfinder programme is a highly competitive funding scheme that supports groundbreaking technologies from a very early stage of development. Understanding the submission and evaluation statistics of previous calls may be informative for deciding if this funding scheme is suitable for your project idea.


More competition in the MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023: a look at the statistics

A total of 1,066 proposals were submitted in the third MSCA-DN call in Horizon Europe. Here are some insights on these call statistics, notably the potential effects of the key changes in the rules implemented as of this call.


Preparing your Doctoral Candidates for a successful start

To prepare the Doctoral Candidates recruited in your MSCA-DN for a successful project start, a suite of information documents should be made available. Here we summarise which documents are mandatory and which documents we recommend to add to a comprehensive DC starter kit.


Securing funding in health research: Last calls in the HORIZON work programme 2023/24

There is now only one call for Health proposals left under the current Horizon Europe work programme of Cluster 1 with a deadline on 11 April 2024. It will fund a total of 12 projects. More funding for health research is available in Cluster 4, but also in the Health Partnerships, ERA4Health and IHI. Find your most suitable funding!


Outreach opportunities for early-career researchers

Becoming an exceptional researcher in the changing landscape of science involves also developing transferable skills, including science communication. We highlight some activities that we have implemented in our EU-funded projects with early-career researchers, mostly PhD students and Doctoral Candidates, to bridge the gap between research and the wider world.


Good EU Project financial management starts here – how to set up a HORIZON proposal budget?

Navigating the complexities of Horizon Europe proposal budgets for multi-beneficiary consortiums can be intricate. From estimating costs across varied categories to ensuring adherence to HORIZON rules, the process demands precision. Dive into our insights from years of experience at accelopment and discover how our tailored tools aid in simplifying budget preparations and financial planning. Need expert guidance? We're here to assist!


Advancing Open Science through Horizon Europe: mandatory and recommended practices

Open Science in Horizon Europe promotes early, broad sharing of research knowledge. This blog post guides you through integrating Open Science from proposal writing to project implementation, emphasising adherence to Open Science mandatory and recommended practices.


Involving patients in EU-funded projects: benefits and best practices

Collaboration with stakeholders is key in research and innovation, particularly in health projects. The European Commission has emphasized the role of patients in EU-funded projects, recognising their contribution as essential for achieving patient-centered results. In this blog, we delve into the benefits and best practices of involving patients in EU-funded initiatives and share insights and learnings from our projects.


Popular European health research grants – stats for the recent stage-1 submission deadline

The statistics of the recent Horizon Europe Health stage-1 proposal submission deadline on 19 September 2023 suggest that the Health programme is more popular than ever. With more than 1,000 proposals submitted to nine call topics, we wonder how many will be invited in December to submit their full proposals by 11 April 2024.


Counting down to the MSCA-DN proposal submission deadline – the updated MSCA-NET’s Doctoral Network Handbook is available just in time

This year’s MSCA-DN proposal submission deadline is rapidly approaching. If you’re still unsure about the expected content of some of the sub-sections of your proposal, the recently published MSCA-NET Doctoral Network Handbook may provide some useful answers.


Navigating the DESCA Model: Best Practices for Setting Up a Consortium Agreement

After your project has been approved for funding, you must establish a Consortium Agreement upon strict deadlines. Find out how to streamline the process, ensuring the satisfaction of all consortium members and creating a comprehensive framework in addition to the EU Grant Agreement.


Unlocking health research funding in Europe: opportunities in 2023, early 2024 and beyond

Health research and innovation continue to take centre stage in the EU's funding landscape. To this end, the European Commission offers a range of funding opportunities to researchers, innovative companies of all sizes, and various entities operating within the health domain.


Stand out from the crowd – priority criteria for equally scored MSCA DN proposals

The priority criteria for equally scored proposals are no mystery. They are clearly outlined in the Horizon Europe Work Programme, but often go unread. As we expect the competition for funding to be as fierce as ever, here are the main criteria summarised!


Clustering in EU projects: how cluster events help maximise the impact of your research

Cluster events within EU-funded projects are typically joint workshops or conferences organised by one or several project consortia within a cluster of related projects. We share our insights on the key benefits of organising cluster events with you using concrete examples from our projects.


UK back in Horizon Europe – what does it mean in practice?

On September 7, the UK and the European Commission announced an agreement for the UK association to Horizon Europe. What does that imply? When will this agreement become effective? What about Switzerland? Find out more in this blog post.


Cash flow in Horizon Europe projects – from pre-financing, interim to final payments

The most common project types in Horizon Europe, IAs and RIAs, typically receive EU fudning of 4-10 million euro. Although the project budgets and durations can vary significantly, the cash flow in all these projects follows the same rules. We like to share our knowledge and experience in financial management, including calculating payments to partners and monitoring the cash flow at project and partner levels.


Picking up the evaluation of your project website through GA4

Making your EU-funded project website visible requires reliable monitoring that will allow you to make improvements according to the users’ interactions. In this blog post, we will take you through what are the key metrics to monitor, by explaining what is new in the latest iteration of Google’s website analytics tool, the now-called GA4.


EIC Pathfinder Open or Challenge – same programme, big differences

The Pathfinder Open and the Pathfinder Challenge funding instruments both aim to translate cutting-edge scientific concepts into groundbreaking technologies that will shape the future. Be aware of their differences before submitting your EIC Pathfinder proposal and increase your chances of success.


Submitting a competitive Eurostars application – the must-haves for a positive evaluation

The new call for proposals to be funded under the EUREKA Eurostars funding scheme opened recently and you can apply for a non-refundable grant for your R&D project until 14 September 2023. When starting to prepare your proposal, there are many things to consider – ranging from the country-specific funding rules to the evaluation criteria and process.


Can the Eurostars programme fund your research and innovation? Check your eligibility!

Eurostars has become a popular public funding scheme for innovative SMEs. Although the success rates are high, several rather specific requirements need to be fulfilled by applicants. Our eChecker helps you find out whether you are eligible for its latest call for proposals.


Making the most of the EC support services for innovation and exploitation in Horizon Europe projects

Bringing your publicly funded R&D innovations to the market is anything but straightforward. That is where the EC’s exploitation support services come into play, offering a helping hand to amplify your project’s impact. Join us as we delve into these services and how they can support your innovation endeavours.


From H2020 to Horizon Europe – our experiences from the first periodic reports

Are your first periodic reports in Horizon Europe coming up soon? Based on our experience we have summarised the needed information and how to upload it to the EC portal.


Get started – the first (recruitment) activities in your Horizon Europe MSCA DN

Your MSCA Doctoral Network was selected for funding and the Grant Agreement is about to be signed. It’s a good time to think about the next steps: the recruitment of the doctoral candidates. In this blog post, we outline the most important recruitment activities between signature of the grant agreement and the start of the Doctoral Candidates.


Horizon Europe for all? An overview of participation rules for different instruments

Which country can participate in the EU`s largest framework programme for research and innovation? The eligibility for funding depends mostly on the funding instrument. In this blog piece, we give an overview of country eligibility in various parts of Horizon Europe.


Best practice: Involving Associated Partners in MSCA Doctoral Networks during grant preparation

Associated Partners play an important role in any MSCA Doctoral Network. Here is our best practice guide on how best to involve your Associated Partners in your DN grant preparation.


Innovation management in Horizon Europe – from planning to implementation

We explore some of the cornerstones of the first part of our accelINNO® innovation management service by using AI-Mind, one of the projects we are involved in, as example. Learn how Jeanette Müller and Michael Hönger are supporting our partners on their journey from expected project results to the exploitation of valuable outcomes.


MSCA 2023 Doctoral Networks call – the most important changes and novelties

The 2023 call for MSCA Doctoral Networks is now open. We had a look at the updated Guide for Applicants and the Standard Proposal Template to identify the key changes to last year’s call. If you plan to resubmit your DN proposal, make sure to be aware of the most significant changes.


How to tackle common challenges during grant preparation of MSCA Doctoral Networks

After the results of the 2022 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN) call were published, many are now at the grant preparation stage. While this process is well-structured, many consortia may still experience some challenges. We discuss some possible challenges during the DN grant preparation and how to address these.


The Implementation Plan: your guide through the complexities of Horizon Europe projects

Managing a Horizon Europe (HORIZON) funded project can be at times demanding and daunting. Our Implementation Plan guides consortia through the key administrative and management processes of their Horizon Europe project. Let’s dive into the details of this resource and explore why we believe it's an essential tool for any EU-funded project.


The SYNSENSO proposal journey

How does an EU-funded project come to fruition? For researchers interested in coordinating or participating in such, the process between the proposal writing stage and the project start can sometimes seem like a black box. In this blog series, we explore the SYNSENSO proposal from contact to contract.


Exploitation requirements in Horizon Europe – How to make use of your project results

We discuss the new requirements regarding project exploitation and periodic reporting in Horizon Europe. We explore how R&I projects can meet the requirements outlined in the EU valorisation policy and how accelopment's innovation management system, accelINNO®, can support these efforts. Stay informed by subscribing to our blog updates!


Taking on the EIC Pathfinder Challenge: new directions in science and technology

The Pathfinder programme supports the research and development of bold ideas for future breakthrough technologies within Horizon EU. It encompasses two funding streams: Pathfinder Open, where applicants can propose any research topic, and Pathfinder Challenge, which provides funding for research projects of high societal, economic and political interest.


Insights into the results of the 2022 MSCA call for Doctoral Networks

The European Commission has completed the evaluation of the proposals submitted for the 2022 MSCA Call for Doctoral Networks. The results of the 2022 call reveal higher success rates and higher funding thresholds compared to the previous 2021 call. Gain insights into the results.


15 years of accelopment: an exciting journey set to continue for Europe’s R&I!

accelopment is celebrating its 15th anniversary. What started out as a one-woman company in a garage offering proposal writing, project management and dissemination services has quickly developed into an organisation with more than two dozen employees, supporting R&D projects from the first idea to the project completion in multiple innovative areas.


International Women’s Day

We at accelopment recognize the importance of gender equality and strongly value diversity and inclusion. We are committed to creating an environment where everyone can reach their full potential and achieve their goals.


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Civil Security” calls – opportunities for you?

A variety of funding opportunities for research and innovation activities in Horizon Europe allow applicants to find the right call in digital infrastructure, technologies and societal factors, including cybersecurity.


A strong business case for your Eurostars-3 application

With 29% of applications to Eurostars being funded, chances of success are already high. However, there are always ways to increase your chances. One way to make your project stand out and convince the evaluators is to describe your specific business case and the market potential of the project results.


Communicating research through videos – a compact guide on planning and production

It may seem that modern technology and accessibility of recording devices makes video creation a simple task, the time needed to develop a meaningful audio-visual story should not be underestimated. Thorough planning beforehand will save you some precious time in the production phase. Learn how to develop an impactful video to communicate about science.


Be smart – choose Eurostars: Eurostars-3 for innovative SMEs

As an SME you have the possibility to become project leader of a EUREKA Eurostars project and benefit from this funding opportunity’s many advantages. The stunning success rate of 29%, free choice of topic and up to 80% funding for the project's costs make it an attractive programme focused on promoting SMEs. We provide you with hands-on support for the application process.


Analysis of upcoming Horizon Digital, Industry and Space calls 2023-2024 – opportunities for you?

Digital and industrial technologies shape all sectors of the European economy and the daily routine of us all. The EU reflects this in the budget increase from EUR 1.56 billion (2021-2022) to EUR 2.3 billion (2023-2024) in Cluster 4 of Horizon Europe, tackling Digital, Industry, and Space.


Latest MSCA-DN deadline confirms higher success rate in Horizon Europe

A total of 946 proposals were submitted in the second MSCA-DN call in Horizon Europe - a number that lets us anticipate one of the highest success rates in ITN/DN calls since the first FP7 ITN call in 2007.


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Climate, Energy and Mobility” calls – opportunities for you?

The draft Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024 for Climate, Energy and Mobility (Cluster 5) is published. Our infographic provides an overview on the available funding and shows the different submission deadlines. Find the most suitable call topic for your research and innovation project!


A win-win for everyone: Sustainable Development Goals in EU-funded projects

Achieving the United Nations’ ambitious Sustainable Development Goals is one of Horizon Europe’s main targets. Find out how we use the targets set by the so-called Global Goals to leverage ongoing research and innovation projects and identify possible synergies and collaborations.


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Health” calls – opportunities for you?

In November, the publication of the HORIZON Work Programme 2023-2024 for Health (Cluster 1) is expected. Our infographic analyses the available funding and shows the different submission deadlines. Find the most suitable call topic for your research and innovation project!


Have you already completed the training section in your HORIZON-MSCA-DN proposal?

Based on our experience from previous proposal writing for MSCA calls, we know how important it is to strike a good balance between scientific and technological training on one side and transferable skills courses on the other. What to consider when writing the Doctoral Network training programme?


Using videos to communicate research

Online videos open new avenues for science communication. Videos can be used to raise awareness, document research, introduce project partners, share new scientific methodologies, showcase results and more. Our communications team has put together an overview of video types that effectively promote the project and help engage the audience.


Green Deal funding available for climate actions

The Green Deal offers multiple pathways to funding, some are well-known and others not. We can help you navigate the complex funding landscape of the Green Deal to identify the funding instruments and calls that fit your project idea.


SGP – how to plan your EU grant applications strategically

In a complex yet rich EU research and innovation landscape, our strategic grant planning will provide you with the key facts on the most promising funding schemes for your research ideas along with a timeline covering submission deadlines for the next two years.


Social media for EU projects – sharing content at the forefront of research

While in a previous blog post we covered the key steps in getting started with social media for EU projects, herein we explore what content to share to combine both trustworthy and engaging information.


Enhancing your skills with a focus on EU-funded research: Interview with our interns

Research projects funded by the EU benefit from high-quality project management and professional communication with a specific focus on research and EU requirements. At accelopment, we regularly offer internships to train students and early career professionals in this area.


Social media for EU projects – where to start?

While having a dedicated project website is a well-established requirement for EU-funded projects, over the last years the use of social media for EU project communication has been increasingly encouraged by the EC. In this first blog post of a series, we share some advice and tips on where to start.


Writing your Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication – Do’s and Don’ts for PDEC

Ensuring that projects have become an integral part of any Horizon Europe project. This is reflected in the Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation including Communication Activities (PDEC). In this blog post, we share our most important learnings on the topic, including the do’s and dont’s of writing this mandatory deliverable.


Dissemination in Horizon Europe projects: publications, conferences and more

In a project funded under Horizon Europe, participants are required to plan and carry out their dissemination activities carefully and extensively. At accelopment we are excited to support your proposal and help you spread your research results as widely as possible to maximise the impact of your project.


Making EU project management efficient with accelCOCKPIT®

Project coordinators and partners often think that EU project management in Horizon Europe refers to only scientific coordination. However, it also covers the operational management of the grant and it bringstogether up to 15 partners. The project coordinator has a truly challenging job in aligning the work towards a joint project goal and accelCOCKPIT® is designed to make this task a seamless process.


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) doctoral candidates explained

Horizon Europe brought many changes to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) scheme. As the term Early Stage Researcher (ESR) is no longer used and the rules have changed, we summarise the key conditions for the recruitment of doctoral candidates in a MSCA Doctoral Network (DN).


What to consider in Horizon Europe stage-2 Health submissions

The European Commission has just communicated the first-stage results of the Horizon Europe Health calls. We have thus checked out the requirements for the upcoming stage-2 submission. Find out what changes you need to make to your proposal to get a successful stage-two submission on the right track.


MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 call – important changes in the new proposal template

The European Commission published the 2022 MSCA Doctoral Networks call last week. We had a look at the updated Work Programme, the Guide for Applicants and the updated Standard Proposal Template to find out what is different to last year’s call. If you plan to resubmit your DN proposal, make sure to be aware of the most significant changes.


Make the best of your DN – project management and communication

Transferable skills are key to successful MSCA Doctoral Networks. Provide your Doctoral Candidates with adequate training in project management as well as in communication and dissemination, truly building up their transferable skillset, their disposition towards teamwork, collaboration, and outreach.


New EU funding opportunities for energy-related projects

New energy-related call topics were opened by the European Commission. They belong to the "Battery Partnership" and other parts of the Cluster 5 "Climate, Energy and Mobility". One further call topic was launched under the "Cities Mission". With a deadline of 6 September 2022 there is enough time to prepare and submit applications.


From group photos to Zoom screenshots: Communication goes digital

As so many others had to during the global pandemic, the EU-funded projects we are involved in adapted, learnt, and grew their knowledge and experience in digital communication. Find some best practice examples you might want to implement in your own project, supplemented with the corresponding digital work culture.


How to prepare a Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation including Communication activities

How can you navigate through the development process of the Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation including Communication activities for Horizon Europe projects? Get familiar with key elements and requirements of the European Commission towards this mandatory deliverable.


Get ready for your DN grant preparation – what you need to know

For many of the successful MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) it will be the first time preparing a Horizon Europe grant. While much of the process is similar or unchanged to previous years, it is worth checking that you are aware of the latest terminology and some key principles to ensure a smooth grant preparation process.


Insights into the first MSCA Doctoral Network evaluation results under Horizon Europe

The European Commission selected the first Doctoral Networks under Horizon Europe. Gain insights into the results of the 2021 call, which is marked by higher success rates and lower funding thresholds compared to the previous programme.


Invited to prepare the Horizon EU Grant Agreement? Your journey is beginning!

Our project managers have been involved in several Horizon EU projects already and gathered extensive insights into the Grant Agreement Preparation process. With the hope of easing the process for other successful EU project coordinators and partners, summarised below are our team’s latest tips to navigate through a hopefully smooth GAP process.


Website accessibility – a priority for EU-funded research and innovation projects

EU-funded projects aim to reach a wide audience, but their website accessibility is often overlooked. With a few simple improvements, you can change this for your project website.


An alternative approach to consortium building for EU research and innovation projects

With partners from different countries, diverse backgrounds, and distinct research areas, team or consortium building represents an essential task and challenge best tackled during the proposal preparation before a project even starts.


A gender lens for EU research on International Women’s Day 2022

Today, we celebrate the 111th International Women’s Day and share some of the latest data on gender (in)equality in research, while linking to relevant Horizon Europe requirements and inviting you to self-explore your implicit biases.


Succeeding in the first Horizon EU Health proposals – sharing of experience

While waiting for the final statistics on the first Horizon Europe Health calls, we share our experience from the evaluation of some health proposals. This might help applicants who are currently preparing their proposals for the fast-approaching next deadlines.


EU-funded projects celebrating #WomenInScience Day

We aim to raise awareness for all the women in science, the hurdles they have overcome, the dreams they have achieved, and the path they are pursuing. As a sparring partner in EU-funded research projects, we have the exciting role of supporting innovations in science, many of which are brought forward by women.


EIC Work Programme 2022 published – more changes in the Pathfinder than expected

The first, highly competitive, EIC Pathfinder Open call revealed important novelties for applicants. As in FET-Open, the programme is still targeted at breakthrough, innovative solutions, but with changes ranging from the formalities of the main proposal document to the strict requirement of a multidisciplinary approach.


Managing MSCA-ITN projects during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Many ongoing MSCA ITNs that build on the mobility of early-stage researchers have been severely affected by the pandemic. How does the REA handle the four most common issues, 1: ESR recruitment delays, 2: Adapting the training plan, 3: Adjusting the secondment plans, and 4: Delays of deliverables and milestones?


Master the Eurostars online portal like a pro

If you are applying for a Eurostars 3 project, you should check out the requirements and especially the web portal through which applicants need to submit their project proposal. Set out to master the Eurostars’ online application portal with the guidelines at hand and your project idea in mind.


Innovation management in H2020 and Horizon Europe projects – More than just IP protection

The European Commission recently published the Innovation Scoreboard 2021. The report reveals that several global competitors are exceeding the EU’s performance in innovation. Among other measures to excel in innovation, the implementation of innovation management techniques is considered as a powerful tool to maximise the impact of innovation expenditures.


From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe – what is new in the DESCA Model Consortium Agreement?

If your project gets funded, the EC requires you to establish a Consortium Agreement to ensure the (IP) rights and obligations, for all partners, that are not defined in the EC Grant Agreement. Using the DESCA template remains the gold standard.


Happy New Eurostars – apply to the first call of 2022

Eurostars is an essential component of Horizon Europe, with 37 countries from within and outside Europe participating in the Eurostars programme. Each of these “Eurostars countries” has its own funding coverage policy for SMEs and other types of participants.


Preparing a short stage-1 proposal? Mind the new declaration

As deadlines for two-stage calls in the areas of Health, Climate and Food are getting closer, learn about a key change in the submission process from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe.


Essential tips for your FET Open/ Pathfinder Open proposal (re-)submission

The first, highly competitive, EIC Pathfinder Open call revealed important novelties for applicants. As in FET-Open, the programme is still targeted at breakthrough, innovative solutions, but with changes ranging from the formalities of the main proposal document to the strict requirement of a multidisciplinary approach.


Road or rail, water or air – funding opportunities for Horizon Europe projects

Cluster 5 of Horizon Europe offers diverse funding opportunities for mobility-related topics: Batteries and fuels or transport by road, rail, water, and air. Several calls are also in collaboration with specific partnerships.


Towards higher success rates in MSCA Doctoral Network proposals?

A total of 1,076 proposals were submitted for the first MSCA Doctoral Networks (DNs) deadline in Horizon Europe on 16 November 2021. A first analysis of the call statistics reveals an increase in success chances.


Just over 6% success rate in the first EIC Pathfinder Open call under Horizon Europe

The European Innovation Council selected the first 56 EIC Pathfinder Open projects under Horizon Europe. Read on for an overview of the call statistics and foreseen deadlines for (re-)submission of your proposal.


Quality assurance in Horizon Europe projects and beyond

Good quality at all levels of your Horizon Europe project is highly desirable. From the professional quality management to implement your project, to adherence to scientific quality requirements and operational quality procedures at participant level, we can support you with our experience.


Preparing your MSCA-DN proposal? Don`t forget the transferable skills.

Training in transferable skills is an important element of the training programmes included in the EU-funded Marie Curie research and training networks for early-stage researchers and doctoral candidates. They are a “must-have” when planning their next steps within an academic career or applying for jobs in companies and transitioning to industry.


SGP – The gateway to your next EU-funded research and innovation project

Our Strategic Grant Planning (SGP) service will support you in identifying the best funding opportunity for your idea and in planning your grant applications for the upcoming years. With the start of Horizon Europe and other new EU programmes, we are well set up to guide you through the wide array of funding instruments.


Less competition than usual in the first Horizon Europe Health calls

For the first Health cluster deadline of Horizon Europe, a total of 591 proposals were submitted. The chances of success seem to be higher than usual. Find the estimated success rates in this blog post.


Diving into the MSCA Doctoral Networks with our transferable skills training modules

Transferable skills training are a key componenet for MSCA-ITNs and Doctoral Networks. Take our “master quiz” to test your knowledge in some transferable skills aspects and get a taste of what to expect from our online transferable skills training modules.


Preparing an MSCA Doctoral Network proposal? Mind the latest updates!

MSCA Doctoral Network proposals are being prepared under a tight schedule. At the same time, all changes from the previous Horizon 2020 MSCA ITNs need to be considered.


No luck with EIC Accelerator? – Why not try Eurostars 3 instead?

Eurostars is an essential component of Horizon Europe, with 37 countries from within and outside Europe participating in the Eurostars programme. Each of these “Eurostars countries” has its own funding coverage policy for SMEs and other types of participants.


Digitalisation: Virtually everywhere?

The EU`s funding programme Horizon Europe facilitates the digitalisation process by supporting the discovery and development of innovative ICT technologies and their deployment in a wide range of application areas, in the dedicated Cluster 4 focused on Digital, Industry and Space, but also in Health and Climate, Energy and Mobility.


From H2020 Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) to Horizon Europe Doctoral Networks (DN) – key changes for you to know

The long wait is finally over and the first Doctoral Network (DN) call is now open for submission. We had a look at the Guide for Applicants, the new Standard Proposal Template, and the online forms to find out what is different from the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie ITNs.


The art of writing convincing proposals – an essential skill for the 21st century

Grant writing has become an essential activity in academia and beyond. The art of convincing funding bodies through persuasive and compelling proposals is all the more important for early-stage researchers (ESRs) willing to progress in their career, be it in an academic or industry setting.


There is more than food in the Horizon Europe’s Cluster 6 – check out the new funding opportunities

With a total budget of € 2.2 billion for 2021 to 2022, the Horizon Europe Cluster 6 is expected to support a transformative change of the EU economy and society to reduce environmental degradation, stop and reverse the decline of biodiversity, and better manage natural resources while meeting the EU's climate objectives and ensuring food and water security.


A clean planet for all – a purposeful research programme to achieve Europe’s vision

With a total budget of € 2.8 billion for 2021 to 2022, the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 will contribute to achieving the EU's goal of becoming a climate neutral society. Although the Horizon Europe Climate, Energy and Mobility programme offers a wide array of funding opportunities, we expect a tough competition similar to the previous Horizon 2020 programmes.


The Global Challenges of Horizon Europe and how they compare to Horizon 2020

From pillars, challenges, clusters, destinations, missions, calls, and call topics to Research and Innovation Actions, Innovation Actions, and Coordination and Support Actions – Horizon Europe, the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation has it all. The terminology and structure is new and needs some elucidation.


The 3 big C’s and more in health research and innovation: COVID-19 – Cancer – Cardiovascular diseases

The official Work Programme for Cluster 1 – Health under the 9th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, will be published this spring. With a total budget of €1,86 billion for 2021 to 2022, the Horizon Europe Cluster 1 – Health will fund projects in the 3 big C's health areas: Cancer, Covid-19, and Cardiovascular Diseases.


From Innovative Training Networks to Doctoral Networks – what to expect

We are all eagerly waiting for the details about the Doctoral Networks under Horizon Europe. The new MSCA Work Programme will be published by the European Commission in mid-May. So, while we are waiting, let's have a look at what we know already.


Safeguarding the planet through research and innovation projects

The projects that bring forward technologies and innovations for a more sustainable future impress us time and again. They help bringing the European Green Deal to reality. Earth Day puts the spotlight on them.


Why knowledge on funding opportunities can enhance your ESRs’ career perspective

Identifying the right funding opportunity at the right time has become a critical skill in both academic and industry settings. Especially for less experienced, early-stage researchers, it remains challenging to keep track of suitable funding opportunities to pursue their career.


From H2020 to Horizon Europe – a closer look at the new Grant Agreement

When your project is selected for EU funding, the Grant Agreement (a funding contract between the European Commission and the project consortium) is a prerequisite for the project to start. The new framework programme Horizon Europe has brought key changes to the Model Grant Agreement.


The EIC Pathfinder Open – more than just a continuation of H2020 FET Open

The EIC Pathfinder, known as the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) in H2020, has moved from the basic science-driven pillar in H2020 to the more market-driven “Innovative Europe” pillar in Horizon Europe. In addition to some important differences in the structure of the proposal, the focus of the EIC shifts to projects with a strong impact on Europe's economy and society.


Why science communication is an important (transferable) skill for researchers

Science communication is a valuable transferable skill, one that is becoming more and more important with the increase of digital communication channels and platforms. Learn about how we can help Early Stage Researchers in mastering it for a successful career.


With the first Cluster Health Work Programme in Horizon Europe for a more resilient and healthier Europe

The European Commission will fund research and innovation activities under Horizon Europe for a healthier and more resilient Europe - from supporting mental health, through boosting of digitalisation and efficient health data use, to development of next generation AI tools, therapies, and vaccines.


EIC Transition – new funding opportunity to advance your FET results

Both, the FET Innovation Launchpad (Horizon 2020) and the EIC Transition (Horizon Europe), have the goal to support the exploitation of results from FET projects. However, the instruments have key differences you should be aware of.


Gender equality – a priority in Horizon Europe and for your ESRs

Alongside the benefits of working in gender balanced teams, the inclusion of sex and gender aspects in research and innovation leads to research outputs and innovations that are of higher quality, more societally relevant and of added business value.


Finding the right path in the new Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder

The EIC Pathfinder, previously known as the FET programme in Horizon 2020, will allocate more than € 300 million for high-risk and radical new ideas.


Research project management – key for successful ITNs and research careers

With the scarcity of research funding and the increasing competition in academia, properly managing research projects has become all the more important. Having a realistic project plan in terms of scope, time and costs is a critical criterion to acquire funding.


Data Management Plan – why it’s important for your ITN and ESRs

A Data Management Plan is a priority for recently started ITNs. Read in this blog how you and your ESRs will get to grips with the essentials of data management.


UK and Switzerland towards accession to Horizon Europe

In late December 2020, UK and Switzerland expressed their political will to be associated to Horizon Europe with the EU/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and the approval of the Horizon 2021-2027 package by the Swiss parliament.


Wood for the future events present imaginative solutions

Wood experts discussed solutions and shared ideas for a sustainable future at the event series on Wood for the future (EU Green Week partner events).


Last Horizon 2020 Health call results expected soon

While the results for the “Digital transformation in Health and Care (DTH)” calls were issued last week, we expect to receive the last results of the series of Health calls in the coming days.


Fund your Green Deal project from impressive EUR 983 million call

The European Commission has just published the first Green Deal call of EUR 983,000,000.


accelopment goes international to get ready for Horizon Europe

Since 2008, accelopment AG has been located in Zurich, Switzerland. Now we happy to announce that we have crossed the boarder and you can no longer only find us in Zurich but also in Heidelberg, Germany!


Enhance your MSCA-ITN training with our online transferable skills courses for ESRs

Discover our latest transferable skills online training courses for ESRs in ongoing MSCA-ITNs. Pick and choose from six interactive, hands-on modules.


European Commission to launch its own Open Access publishing platform

Early next year, the European Commission will officially launch “Open Research Europe”, a full open access peer reviewed publishing platform for research resulting from Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.


Involving Partner Organisations during ITN grant preparations – a best practice guide

A best practice guide to help you best coordinate the involvement and participation of Partner Organisations in your ITN.


What about gender equality in research? Introducing a new blog series

What impact does COVID-19 have on gender equality in research and innovation?


Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on your H2020 project to the EC.

Learn how to assess the impact of COVID-19 on our research projects and communicate it to the EC.


H2020 project management during the COVID-19 pandemic

Keep managing efficiently your H2020 project with our tips.


Managing MSCA-ITN projects during the COVID-19 pandemic

Keep managing efficiently your H2020 project with our tips.


Tips to manage your H2020 project during the coronavirus pandemic

Keep managing efficiently your H2020 project with our tips.


Strategic Grant Planning – finding the needle in the haystack

Identifying the right funding scheme for your research can sometimes be compared to finding a needle in a haystack. We can support you in making the process more efficient.


Make the best of your ITN – project management and communication

Project management and communication are key to successful ITNs. Learn why.


H2020 Project Wins FCH JU Awards 2019

SOSLeM - a project supported by accelopment - wan the FCH JU Awards 2019.


FET Open project wins the Innovation Radar Prize 2019 for Innovative Science

The FET Open project Lumiblast wins the Innovation Radar Prize 2019 for Innovative Science and we are proud to be part of this project for the past three years.


Strategic Grant Planning – How we supported a multinational corporation

Dr Filiep Vanpoucke, researcher at Cochlear and project coordinator of MOSAICS, speaks about his experience with ITNs and accelopment.


The latest update on Brexit and Horizon 2020

accelopment's update on the status of funding in Europe after Brexit.


Strategic Grant Planning – The STACCATO EID Coordinator tells his story

Dr Colin Clarke, Principal Investigator at NIBRT and project coordinator of STACCATO, speaks about his experience with ITNs and accelopment.


ITN review – Experiences from the new check meetings

ITN review meetings focus on a transparent application process, equal opportunities with regard to gender and origin, active involvement of ESRs, as well support and communication.


ITN review – Check meetings and how to prepare

With the introduction of the new ITN review meeting, Project Coordinator need to be aware of some important changes. We provide a checklist to support you.


Strategic Grant Planning – A Eurostars coordinator tells of his experience

Konstantin Lutze, CTO of HSE AG and Eurostars project coordinator, tells about his experience with the SME Instrument programme and accelopment.


The roles and requirements of Partner Organisations in ITNs

Besides beneficieries, ITNs offer the possibility to include Partner Organisations in the project. The following article looks at the most common roles and linked requirements.


Do’s and Don’ts in communication, dissemination and exploitation of H2020 projects

Based on the lastest report of the IPR Helpdesk and our own experience, we have come up with the most important Do’s and Don’ts to maximize the impact of your project.


Preparing a Horizon 2020 Health proposal in 6 weeks? Challenge accepted!

Preparing a first stage proposal is possible in a short amount of time if planning is accurate. We provide the relevant steps for success.


Improve your ITN proposal writing skills with hands-on training and practical examples

Various seminars offer advise on the preparation of ITNs. We highlight, what makes us different, how we approach things and who should attend.


Strategic Grant Planning – Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation that meet your needs

To support researchers, academics and companies in their quest for funding, accelopment has been offering the Strategic Grant Planning (SGP) with the goal of identifying the best possible funding opportunities for your project idea and setting up a realistic action and time plan for the preparation of successful applications.


Cash flow in Horizon 2020 projects

Learn about the cash flow in Horizon 2020 projects, the risks for participating SMEs and how to avoid them.


10 years accelopment: From zero to one hundred

A look back at the last 10 years.


Early Stage Researcher (ESR) explained

The definition of an ESR is rather short: “ESRs shall, at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.”
