Testimonial To achieve the highest possible score for our proposal would have been unthinkable without accelopment’s dedicated support. To have them as a partner in this project is a true blessing.
Prof. Kai Zacharowski
COVend Project Coordinator, ENVISION Project Coordinator
University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany


Take on global health challenges in your research and innovation project.

Horizon Europe offers great opportunities for innovative research and technology development in different areas of Health and the Life Science sector. Following the success of health-related projects funded under Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), the importance of research in this vital field is reflected by several Health-related funding instruments under Horizon Europe, including Health Cluster 1 of the 2nd Pillar and European Innovation Council`s (EIC) Pathfinder and Transition Challenges within the 3rd Pillar, as well as the Cancer Mission and the European Partnerships, such as the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), and the EU4Health programme.

The health-related funding schemes of the European Commission cover a broad range of health issues with Cluster 1 of Horizon Europe’s key strategic orientations focusing on the following six health-related challenges:

Research and Innovation supported under Cluster 1 aims to advance knowledge, build capacities as well as design, develop and demonstrate innovative solutions that will improve the health and well-being of European citizens and support the transformation of health care systems while the new Cancer Mission exclusively addresses specific cancer-related research topics.

We at accelopment have been a reliable cooperation partner for numerous research and innovation projects in the health and life science sectors, among diverse other projects. Together with our excellent consortia, we have been supporting the development of monitoring and treatment options for COVID-19 patients in ENVISION and COVend, got an insight into the environmental impacts on health in EXIMIOUS, and recently started new Health projects for innovative patient-centred care pathways for cancer patients (MyPath), new gene therapy for Crohn`s Disease (GENEGUT) and a novel screening modality for early, harmless and accurate diagnosis of breast cancer (ThermoBreast).

With our experts in EU funding programmes, Proposal Writing, Project Management and Dissemination, we can complement your research expertise and as a result, together, bring your project further.


Your benefits

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Benefit from our strong track record and reduce your workload. We have many years of experience to help you to convey complex content in a concise and comprehensible way.

Jeanette Müller

Funded Project

AreaLife Sciences
Duration01.12.2020 – 31.07.2023
Budget5.6 million euro


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Health” calls – opportunities for you?

In November, the publication of the HORIZON Work Programme 2023-2024 for Health (Cluster 1) is expected. Our infographic analyses the available funding and shows the different submission deadlines. Find the most suitable call topic for your research and innovation project!



My passion is to work with highly skilled scientists and innovative thinkers from industry and academia to build solutions for a sustainable future.

Dr. Jeanette Müller