
EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2024 – more than just 5 new call topics for proposals

The Pathfinder Challenges 2024 projects set out to pave the way for breakthrough, innovative and radically new ideas in areas of Cleantech and Digitalisation. In this article, we look at the five upcoming proposal calls and give you a short overview of our involvement in EU projects supporting digital transformations and the EU Green Deal.


Good EU Project financial management starts here – how to set up a HORIZON proposal budget?

Navigating the complexities of Horizon Europe proposal budgets for multi-beneficiary consortiums can be intricate. From estimating costs across varied categories to ensuring adherence to HORIZON rules, the process demands precision. Dive into our insights from years of experience at accelopment and discover how our tailored tools aid in simplifying budget preparations and financial planning. Need expert guidance? We're here to assist!


Picking up the evaluation of your project website through GA4

Making your EU-funded project website visible requires reliable monitoring that will allow you to make improvements according to the users’ interactions. In this blog post, we will take you through what are the key metrics to monitor, by explaining what is new in the latest iteration of Google’s website analytics tool, the now-called GA4.


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Civil Security” calls – opportunities for you?

A variety of funding opportunities for research and innovation activities in Horizon Europe allow applicants to find the right call in digital infrastructure, technologies and societal factors, including cybersecurity.


Communicating research through videos – a compact guide on planning and production

It may seem that modern technology and accessibility of recording devices makes video creation a simple task, the time needed to develop a meaningful audio-visual story should not be underestimated. Thorough planning beforehand will save you some precious time in the production phase. Learn how to develop an impactful video to communicate about science.


Analysis of upcoming Horizon Digital, Industry and Space calls 2023-2024 – opportunities for you?

Digital and industrial technologies shape all sectors of the European economy and the daily routine of us all. The EU reflects this in the budget increase from EUR 1.56 billion (2021-2022) to EUR 2.3 billion (2023-2024) in Cluster 4 of Horizon Europe, tackling Digital, Industry, and Space.


Using videos to communicate research

Online videos open new avenues for science communication. Videos can be used to raise awareness, document research, introduce project partners, share new scientific methodologies, showcase results and more. Our communications team has put together an overview of video types that effectively promote the project and help engage the audience.


Making EU project management efficient with accelCOCKPIT®

Project coordinators and partners often think that EU project management in Horizon Europe refers to only scientific coordination. However, it also covers the operational management of the grant and it bringstogether up to 15 partners. The project coordinator has a truly challenging job in aligning the work towards a joint project goal and accelCOCKPIT® is designed to make this task a seamless process.


From group photos to Zoom screenshots: Communication goes digital

As so many others had to during the global pandemic, the EU-funded projects we are involved in adapted, learnt, and grew their knowledge and experience in digital communication. Find some best practice examples you might want to implement in your own project, supplemented with the corresponding digital work culture.


Less competition than usual in the first Horizon Europe Health calls

For the first Health cluster deadline of Horizon Europe, a total of 591 proposals were submitted. The chances of success seem to be higher than usual. Find the estimated success rates in this blog post.


Digitalisation: Virtually everywhere?

The EU`s funding programme Horizon Europe facilitates the digitalisation process by supporting the discovery and development of innovative ICT technologies and their deployment in a wide range of application areas, in the dedicated Cluster 4 focused on Digital, Industry and Space, but also in Health and Climate, Energy and Mobility.


The Global Challenges of Horizon Europe and how they compare to Horizon 2020

From pillars, challenges, clusters, destinations, missions, calls, and call topics to Research and Innovation Actions, Innovation Actions, and Coordination and Support Actions – Horizon Europe, the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation has it all. The terminology and structure is new and needs some elucidation.


With the first Cluster Health Work Programme in Horizon Europe for a more resilient and healthier Europe

The European Commission will fund research and innovation activities under Horizon Europe for a healthier and more resilient Europe - from supporting mental health, through boosting of digitalisation and efficient health data use, to development of next generation AI tools, therapies, and vaccines.
