
More precise and more personalised – find the right Horizon Europe calls with our Strategic Grant Planning service

Are you looking for funding for your research and innovation activities? We can help you with our Strategic Grant Planning service. Thanks to our new accelGRANTS© tool, we use data-driven analysis to match project ideas with relevant upcoming calls, providing fast and personalised funding options in Horizon Europe and beyond.


UK back in Horizon Europe – what does it mean in practice?

On September 7, the UK and the European Commission announced an agreement for the UK association to Horizon Europe. What does that imply? When will this agreement become effective? What about Switzerland? Find out more in this blog post.


EIC Pathfinder Open or Challenge – same programme, big differences

The Pathfinder Open and the Pathfinder Challenge funding instruments both aim to translate cutting-edge scientific concepts into groundbreaking technologies that will shape the future. Be aware of their differences before submitting your EIC Pathfinder proposal and increase your chances of success.


Submitting a competitive Eurostars application – the must-haves for a positive evaluation

The new call for proposals to be funded under the EUREKA Eurostars funding scheme opened recently and you can apply for a non-refundable grant for your R&D project until 14 September 2023. When starting to prepare your proposal, there are many things to consider – ranging from the country-specific funding rules to the evaluation criteria and process.


Can the Eurostars programme fund your research and innovation? Check your eligibility!

Eurostars has become a popular public funding scheme for innovative SMEs. Although the success rates are high, several rather specific requirements need to be fulfilled by applicants. Our eChecker helps you find out whether you are eligible for its latest call for proposals.


Horizon Europe for all? An overview of participation rules for different instruments

Which country can participate in the EU`s largest framework programme for research and innovation? The eligibility for funding depends mostly on the funding instrument. In this blog piece, we give an overview of country eligibility in various parts of Horizon Europe.


Taking on the EIC Pathfinder Challenge: new directions in science and technology

The Pathfinder programme supports the research and development of bold ideas for future breakthrough technologies within Horizon EU. It encompasses two funding streams: Pathfinder Open, where applicants can propose any research topic, and Pathfinder Challenge, which provides funding for research projects of high societal, economic and political interest.


Insights into the results of the 2022 MSCA call for Doctoral Networks

The European Commission has completed the evaluation of the proposals submitted for the 2022 MSCA Call for Doctoral Networks. The results of the 2022 call reveal higher success rates and higher funding thresholds compared to the previous 2021 call. Gain insights into the results.


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Civil Security” calls – opportunities for you?

A variety of funding opportunities for research and innovation activities in Horizon Europe allow applicants to find the right call in digital infrastructure, technologies and societal factors, including cybersecurity.


Analysis of upcoming Horizon Digital, Industry and Space calls 2023-2024 – opportunities for you?

Digital and industrial technologies shape all sectors of the European economy and the daily routine of us all. The EU reflects this in the budget increase from EUR 1.56 billion (2021-2022) to EUR 2.3 billion (2023-2024) in Cluster 4 of Horizon Europe, tackling Digital, Industry, and Space.


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Climate, Energy and Mobility” calls – opportunities for you?

The draft Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024 for Climate, Energy and Mobility (Cluster 5) is published. Our infographic provides an overview on the available funding and shows the different submission deadlines. Find the most suitable call topic for your research and innovation project!


Upcoming Horizon Europe “Health” calls – opportunities for you?

In November, the publication of the HORIZON Work Programme 2023-2024 for Health (Cluster 1) is expected. Our infographic analyses the available funding and shows the different submission deadlines. Find the most suitable call topic for your research and innovation project!


Green Deal funding available for climate actions

The Green Deal offers multiple pathways to funding, some are well-known and others not. We can help you navigate the complex funding landscape of the Green Deal to identify the funding instruments and calls that fit your project idea.


SGP – how to plan your EU grant applications strategically

In a complex yet rich EU research and innovation landscape, our strategic grant planning will provide you with the key facts on the most promising funding schemes for your research ideas along with a timeline covering submission deadlines for the next two years.


Just over 6% success rate in the first EIC Pathfinder Open call under Horizon Europe

The European Innovation Council selected the first 56 EIC Pathfinder Open projects under Horizon Europe. Read on for an overview of the call statistics and foreseen deadlines for (re-)submission of your proposal.


SGP – The gateway to your next EU-funded research and innovation project

Our Strategic Grant Planning (SGP) service will support you in identifying the best funding opportunity for your idea and in planning your grant applications for the upcoming years. With the start of Horizon Europe and other new EU programmes, we are well set up to guide you through the wide array of funding instruments.


Digitalisation: Virtually everywhere?

The EU`s funding programme Horizon Europe facilitates the digitalisation process by supporting the discovery and development of innovative ICT technologies and their deployment in a wide range of application areas, in the dedicated Cluster 4 focused on Digital, Industry and Space, but also in Health and Climate, Energy and Mobility.


EIC Transition – new funding opportunity to advance your FET results

Both, the FET Innovation Launchpad (Horizon 2020) and the EIC Transition (Horizon Europe), have the goal to support the exploitation of results from FET projects. However, the instruments have key differences you should be aware of.


Strategic Grant Planning – How we supported a multinational corporation

Dr Filiep Vanpoucke, researcher at Cochlear and project coordinator of MOSAICS, speaks about his experience with ITNs and accelopment.


Strategic Grant Planning – The STACCATO EID Coordinator tells his story

Dr Colin Clarke, Principal Investigator at NIBRT and project coordinator of STACCATO, speaks about his experience with ITNs and accelopment.


Strategic Grant Planning – A Eurostars coordinator tells of his experience

Konstantin Lutze, CTO of HSE AG and Eurostars project coordinator, tells about his experience with the SME Instrument programme and accelopment.
