
Quality assurance for successful Horizon Europe projects – sharing best practices

Unlocking success in Horizon Europe projects! This blog post explores the critical role of quality management. We'll share best practices for ensuring efficient collaboration, maximising project impact, and achieving excellence. Plus, learn about how our internally developed tools like accelMONITOR and accelINNO® can benefit you in your research and innovation projects.


FAIR Data and Data Management in Horizon Europe projects

Transitioning from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe brings new Open Science requirements for EU-funded projects. The most significant is the mandatory Data Management Plan. Want to ensure your data is FAIR? Our experts at accelopment can guide you through the process with our practical templates and guidelines to maximise the impact and visibility of your research.


Mastering the MSCA-DN proposal: joining the puzzle pieces into a DC-sized training plan

Which skills can be combined in a training session, and which training sessions should be delivered when and how? accelopment’s tips to create a DC-sized training plan for your next MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) proposal.


MSCA 2024 Doctoral Networks call – essential updates for applicants

The MSCA 2024 Doctoral Networks call is expected to open on 29 May 2024. We reviewed the updated Work Programme, Guide for Applicants, and Standard Proposal Template to identify the key changes to last year’s call. Whether you are resubmitting an old proposal or starting to draft a new one, make sure you are aware of the critical changes.


Mastering the MSCA-DN proposal: skills and trainers for a well-rounded training plan

Whether you are considering improving a previously unsuccessful proposal for resubmission, or excited to put forward a whole new idea, this blog post will take you through our team’s top recommendations on how to set up a solid training plan for your next MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) proposal.


Transferable skills training in MSCA-DNs – from proposal, grant preparation to project

Whether you are riding the high of recent funding success from the 2023 MSCA Doctoral Networks (DNs) call or reflecting after grant rejection, now is a good time to consider the importance of transferable skills training and how they should be included in the training programmes of MSCA-DNs.


Higher cut-offs and lower success rates in the 2023 MSCA Doctoral Networks call

The European Commission has completed the evaluation of the proposals submitted for the 2023 MSCA Call for Doctoral Networks. The results of the 2023 call reveal a more intense competition with higher funding thresholds compared to the previous 2022 call.


Do not let risks become real – best practices for risk management in Horizon Europe

Consortia of Horizon Europe projects need to follow risk assessment procedures to identify and define risk mitigation strategies timely and appropriately. Proper EU project risk management ensures a smooth implementation process and is key for the success of your collaborative research project.


Supporting diversity in research environments: a look at Science Europe’s new guide

A look into Science Europe’s new ‘Practical Guide to Supporting Diversity in Research Environments’. A must-read guide if you are part of a research organisation willing to improve its equality, diversity and inclusion, but also an insightful resource if you are looking to broaden your awareness of gender diversity and best practices.


More competition in the MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023: a look at the statistics

A total of 1,066 proposals were submitted in the third MSCA-DN call in Horizon Europe. Here are some insights on these call statistics, notably the potential effects of the key changes in the rules implemented as of this call.


Preparing your Doctoral Candidates for a successful start

To prepare the Doctoral Candidates recruited in your MSCA-DN for a successful project start, a suite of information documents should be made available. Here we summarise which documents are mandatory and which documents we recommend to add to a comprehensive DC starter kit.


Outreach opportunities for early-career researchers

Becoming an exceptional researcher in the changing landscape of science involves also developing transferable skills, including science communication. We highlight some activities that we have implemented in our EU-funded projects with early-career researchers, mostly PhD students and Doctoral Candidates, to bridge the gap between research and the wider world.


Involving patients in EU-funded projects: benefits and best practices

Collaboration with stakeholders is key in research and innovation, particularly in health projects. The European Commission has emphasized the role of patients in EU-funded projects, recognising their contribution as essential for achieving patient-centered results. In this blog, we delve into the benefits and best practices of involving patients in EU-funded initiatives and share insights and learnings from our projects.


Counting down to the MSCA-DN proposal submission deadline – the updated MSCA-NET’s Doctoral Network Handbook is available just in time

This year’s MSCA-DN proposal submission deadline is rapidly approaching. If you’re still unsure about the expected content of some of the sub-sections of your proposal, the recently published MSCA-NET Doctoral Network Handbook may provide some useful answers.


Stand out from the crowd – priority criteria for equally scored MSCA DN proposals

The priority criteria for equally scored proposals are no mystery. They are clearly outlined in the Horizon Europe Work Programme, but often go unread. As we expect the competition for funding to be as fierce as ever, here are the main criteria summarised!


Get started – the first (recruitment) activities in your Horizon Europe MSCA DN

Your MSCA Doctoral Network was selected for funding and the Grant Agreement is about to be signed. It’s a good time to think about the next steps: the recruitment of the doctoral candidates. In this blog post, we outline the most important recruitment activities between signature of the grant agreement and the start of the Doctoral Candidates.


Horizon Europe for all? An overview of participation rules for different instruments

Which country can participate in the EU`s largest framework programme for research and innovation? The eligibility for funding depends mostly on the funding instrument. In this blog piece, we give an overview of country eligibility in various parts of Horizon Europe.


Best practice: Involving Associated Partners in MSCA Doctoral Networks during grant preparation

Associated Partners play an important role in any MSCA Doctoral Network. Here is our best practice guide on how best to involve your Associated Partners in your DN grant preparation.


MSCA 2023 Doctoral Networks call – the most important changes and novelties

The 2023 call for MSCA Doctoral Networks is now open. We had a look at the updated Guide for Applicants and the Standard Proposal Template to identify the key changes to last year’s call. If you plan to resubmit your DN proposal, make sure to be aware of the most significant changes.


The SYNSENSO proposal journey

How does an EU-funded project come to fruition? For researchers interested in coordinating or participating in such, the process between the proposal writing stage and the project start can sometimes seem like a black box. In this blog series, we explore the SYNSENSO proposal from contact to contract.


Insights into the results of the 2022 MSCA call for Doctoral Networks

The European Commission has completed the evaluation of the proposals submitted for the 2022 MSCA Call for Doctoral Networks. The results of the 2022 call reveal higher success rates and higher funding thresholds compared to the previous 2021 call. Gain insights into the results.


Latest MSCA-DN deadline confirms higher success rate in Horizon Europe

A total of 946 proposals were submitted in the second MSCA-DN call in Horizon Europe - a number that lets us anticipate one of the highest success rates in ITN/DN calls since the first FP7 ITN call in 2007.


Have you already completed the training section in your HORIZON-MSCA-DN proposal?

Based on our experience from previous proposal writing for MSCA calls, we know how important it is to strike a good balance between scientific and technological training on one side and transferable skills courses on the other. What to consider when writing the Doctoral Network training programme?


Green Deal funding available for climate actions

The Green Deal offers multiple pathways to funding, some are well-known and others not. We can help you navigate the complex funding landscape of the Green Deal to identify the funding instruments and calls that fit your project idea.


SGP – how to plan your EU grant applications strategically

In a complex yet rich EU research and innovation landscape, our strategic grant planning will provide you with the key facts on the most promising funding schemes for your research ideas along with a timeline covering submission deadlines for the next two years.


Social media for EU projects – sharing content at the forefront of research

While in a previous blog post we covered the key steps in getting started with social media for EU projects, herein we explore what content to share to combine both trustworthy and engaging information.


Social media for EU projects – where to start?

While having a dedicated project website is a well-established requirement for EU-funded projects, over the last years the use of social media for EU project communication has been increasingly encouraged by the EC. In this first blog post of a series, we share some advice and tips on where to start.


Dissemination in Horizon Europe projects: publications, conferences and more

In a project funded under Horizon Europe, participants are required to plan and carry out their dissemination activities carefully and extensively. At accelopment we are excited to support your proposal and help you spread your research results as widely as possible to maximise the impact of your project.


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) doctoral candidates explained

Horizon Europe brought many changes to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) scheme. As the term Early Stage Researcher (ESR) is no longer used and the rules have changed, we summarise the key conditions for the recruitment of doctoral candidates in a MSCA Doctoral Network (DN).


MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 call – important changes in the new proposal template

The European Commission published the 2022 MSCA Doctoral Networks call last week. We had a look at the updated Work Programme, the Guide for Applicants and the updated Standard Proposal Template to find out what is different to last year’s call. If you plan to resubmit your DN proposal, make sure to be aware of the most significant changes.


Make the best of your DN – project management and communication

Transferable skills are key to successful MSCA Doctoral Networks. Provide your Doctoral Candidates with adequate training in project management as well as in communication and dissemination, truly building up their transferable skillset, their disposition towards teamwork, collaboration, and outreach.


Insights into the first MSCA Doctoral Network evaluation results under Horizon Europe

The European Commission selected the first Doctoral Networks under Horizon Europe. Gain insights into the results of the 2021 call, which is marked by higher success rates and lower funding thresholds compared to the previous programme.


Managing MSCA-ITN projects during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Many ongoing MSCA ITNs that build on the mobility of early-stage researchers have been severely affected by the pandemic. How does the REA handle the four most common issues, 1: ESR recruitment delays, 2: Adapting the training plan, 3: Adjusting the secondment plans, and 4: Delays of deliverables and milestones?


Towards higher success rates in MSCA Doctoral Network proposals?

A total of 1,076 proposals were submitted for the first MSCA Doctoral Networks (DNs) deadline in Horizon Europe on 16 November 2021. A first analysis of the call statistics reveals an increase in success chances.


Preparing your MSCA-DN proposal? Don`t forget the transferable skills.

Training in transferable skills is an important element of the training programmes included in the EU-funded Marie Curie research and training networks for early-stage researchers and doctoral candidates. They are a “must-have” when planning their next steps within an academic career or applying for jobs in companies and transitioning to industry.


Diving into the MSCA Doctoral Networks with our transferable skills training modules

Transferable skills training are a key componenet for MSCA-ITNs and Doctoral Networks. Take our “master quiz” to test your knowledge in some transferable skills aspects and get a taste of what to expect from our online transferable skills training modules.


Preparing an MSCA Doctoral Network proposal? Mind the latest updates!

MSCA Doctoral Network proposals are being prepared under a tight schedule. At the same time, all changes from the previous Horizon 2020 MSCA ITNs need to be considered.


From H2020 Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) to Horizon Europe Doctoral Networks (DN) – key changes for you to know

The long wait is finally over and the first Doctoral Network (DN) call is now open for submission. We had a look at the Guide for Applicants, the new Standard Proposal Template, and the online forms to find out what is different from the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie ITNs.


The art of writing convincing proposals – an essential skill for the 21st century

Grant writing has become an essential activity in academia and beyond. The art of convincing funding bodies through persuasive and compelling proposals is all the more important for early-stage researchers (ESRs) willing to progress in their career, be it in an academic or industry setting.


From Innovative Training Networks to Doctoral Networks – what to expect

We are all eagerly waiting for the details about the Doctoral Networks under Horizon Europe. The new MSCA Work Programme will be published by the European Commission in mid-May. So, while we are waiting, let's have a look at what we know already.


Why knowledge on funding opportunities can enhance your ESRs’ career perspective

Identifying the right funding opportunity at the right time has become a critical skill in both academic and industry settings. Especially for less experienced, early-stage researchers, it remains challenging to keep track of suitable funding opportunities to pursue their career.


Why science communication is an important (transferable) skill for researchers

Science communication is a valuable transferable skill, one that is becoming more and more important with the increase of digital communication channels and platforms. Learn about how we can help Early Stage Researchers in mastering it for a successful career.


Gender equality – a priority in Horizon Europe and for your ESRs

Alongside the benefits of working in gender balanced teams, the inclusion of sex and gender aspects in research and innovation leads to research outputs and innovations that are of higher quality, more societally relevant and of added business value.


Research project management – key for successful ITNs and research careers

With the scarcity of research funding and the increasing competition in academia, properly managing research projects has become all the more important. Having a realistic project plan in terms of scope, time and costs is a critical criterion to acquire funding.


Data Management Plan – why it’s important for your ITN and ESRs

A Data Management Plan is a priority for recently started ITNs. Read in this blog how you and your ESRs will get to grips with the essentials of data management.


Involving Partner Organisations during ITN grant preparations – a best practice guide

A best practice guide to help you best coordinate the involvement and participation of Partner Organisations in your ITN.


What about gender equality in research? Introducing a new blog series

What impact does COVID-19 have on gender equality in research and innovation?


Managing MSCA-ITN projects during the COVID-19 pandemic

Keep managing efficiently your H2020 project with our tips.


Make the best of your ITN – project management and communication

Project management and communication are key to successful ITNs. Learn why.


ITN review – Experiences from the new check meetings

ITN review meetings focus on a transparent application process, equal opportunities with regard to gender and origin, active involvement of ESRs, as well support and communication.


ITN review – Check meetings and how to prepare

With the introduction of the new ITN review meeting, Project Coordinator need to be aware of some important changes. We provide a checklist to support you.


The roles and requirements of Partner Organisations in ITNs

Besides beneficieries, ITNs offer the possibility to include Partner Organisations in the project. The following article looks at the most common roles and linked requirements.


Improve your ITN proposal writing skills with hands-on training and practical examples

Various seminars offer advise on the preparation of ITNs. We highlight, what makes us different, how we approach things and who should attend.


Early Stage Researcher (ESR) explained

The definition of an ESR is rather short: “ESRs shall, at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.”
